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ThoughtWorks Featured Insights
Essays on Technology, Innovation, Product Strategy and Leadership. Readers favorites and editors choices from ThoughtWorks Insights.
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A Clojure Technology Radar

By Suzi Edwards-Alexander

Every six months or so, we publish our Technology Radar. The radar sets out the changes that we think are currently interesting in software development, the things in motion that we think you should pay attention to and consider…

Build Your Own Technology Radar

By Neal Ford

For most of the ’90s and the beginning of the 2000s, I was the CTO of a small training and consulting company. When I started there, the primary platform was Clipper, which was a rapid-application development tool for building DOS…

Hackathons for the Enterprise

By Ryan Oglesby

The word “hackathon” may conjure images of a group of programmers huddled around glowing screens, pounding out code 24–7 over a long weekend — empty Red Bulls and pizza boxes strewn about.