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What are our core values and practices for building software?

By Evan Bottcher

This year, I’ve given a lot of thought to what has made being a developer at ThoughtWorks such an important part of my career and life. Much of it’s about working with great people…

​The CxO Guide to Microservices

By Jim Highsmith and Neal Ford

This is the fourth article in Technology Radar Echoes, a series where authors share their insights and experience on the technology problems and solutions driving business differentiation for enterprise leaders. Now

The Future of Agile: Innovators, Imitators, and Idiots

By Jim Highsmith

From time to time I see articles or blogs bemoaning the state of agile. The authors are concerned that the movement has gone awry, that people are practicing prescriptive agile, that they have…

Born for it: How the Image of Software Developers Came About

By Birgitta Böckeler

The stereotype of the socially-awkward, white, male programmer has been around for a long time. Where does this image come from? Did the demographics of the world’s programmer…

Developers and Designers Can Pair Too!

By Charles Korn and Greg Skinner

Plenty of people are talking about how organisations should capitalise on design, yet few are talking about the practicalities of what it looks like to actually deliver it. Pairing developers and