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Essays on Technology, Innovation, Product Strategy and Leadership. Readers favorites and editors choices from ThoughtWorks Insights.
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Future proof your business through enterprise innovation

By Angela Bishop and Maryam Aidini

Not long ago, the CTO of a large organization said to us, “Innovation is not our problem. We have plenty of innovative, smart people in every department and at every…

Choreographers — the missing role in enterprise transformation

By Dan McClure

It would be ridiculous to plan a bus trip up the side of a steep and winding mountain road, planning every detail of the trip in advance, and then demand that the driver checks with…

Do You Have What It Takes To Transform?

By Gary O’Brien

The word “transformation” is fast becoming one of the most clichéd terms in the business world. It’s a word used to signal to a company that there’s an intent to make a change. Often predicated on a new executive hire…