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Dev dogfooding is not user research

By Emily Luke and Suzie Prince

Using your own product consistently — or dogfooding — is a great technique for validating your work, especially when you fit the description of the target user. But it’s just not enough to create a great…

Will Big Data Make me a Designosaur?

By Kate Linton

I sometimes wonder if a robot could do my job. I’m a designer, and my role is to create digital products that humans want to use. Could a machine learn, faster than me, what humans want? Could it design better things than I…

Developers and Designers Can Pair Too!

By Charles Korn and Greg Skinner

Plenty of people are talking about how organisations should capitalise on design, yet few are talking about the practicalities of what it looks like to actually deliver it. Pairing developers and

To Triumph in the Unknown, Don’t Try Too Hard

By Jonny Schneider

To innovate, is to enter the unknown. Doing this induces anxiety, even among seasoned professionals. In most organisations — where failure is not an option — leaders have many fears. They fear what they do…

Four Ways to Kill Best Practice

By Megan Louw

One of the phrases I hate to hear in a meeting is “best practice.” Some executives, especially those in large enterprises full of hierarchy, rules and rigid structure, feel the need to follow this dangerously linear way of thinking as…

The Importance of Invisible Design

By Megan Louw

While User Experience is generally regarded and defined for the web, it really appears all around us. Driving to work is an experience, as is boiling a kettle, even sitting on a chair is an experience. Whoever is having the…