3 Types of Writers and the Best Writing Habits for You

What ancient Vedic wisdom can tell us about our writing habits

Emily Jennings


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Why do some of us procrastinate? Why do some writers have sudden bursts of creativity? Why do some of us write in maddening chunks of focused time? Why do certain schedules work for some of us and not others? There are many articles out there telling us writers about the “best routines and schedules to follow”, and the habits of all the most successful writers. But since discovering the wonders of ancient Vedic wisdom from India, I have realized that there’s a totally different way to approach writing habits.

I’m talking about Ayurveda, an ancient system of healing from the Vedic wisdom in India that also gave us yoga and Jyotish astrology. It tells us that there are three major building blocks in nature, including in our bodies and minds (since we are nature, which seems easy to forget), and they are: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. All three exist in all of us, but one is usually dominant in each person. You can take this test to find out your dosha, or contact me and I’ll send you a quiz. Alternatively, maybe you’ll figure out your dosha type by the time you finish reading this.

Since becoming a certified Ayurveda instructor, I have realized many things about the way I am most productive and how my…



Emily Jennings

Meditation Teacher, Psychic, and Twin Flame Coach exploring Consciousness, Oneness, and Spiritual Humor | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com