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Where Are Medium Member Fees Going?

A well-intentioned experiment raises troubling questions.

Christopher M. Cook
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2020


Sometimes experiments return unexpected results. New and unanticipated questions are raised. Questions like, what percentage of my membership fee goes directly to writers? And, what percentage goes to Medium? I don’t think Medium shares this information. If I’m wrong, please correct me.

As members, and as writers, we deserve to know how fees are divided.

I’m not arguing for a full breakdown of Medium’s finances. Still, we should know, at least, what approximate percentage of our membership dollars goes directly to writers.

I started an experiment a couple months ago. I set up a second membership account. I used this account to read and clap for only one story a month. The impetus for this experiment was to reward excellent writing on Medium. If you would like to know more about the background and breakdown of my original plan, I wrote an article about it here —

In theory, only reading and reacting to one story a month should mean that the full portion of my membership fee reserved for writers would go to that one article.

