Mothers’ Mental Health Checklist

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2020

It’s Mother’s Day, and even at these scary times where the world has come to a halt, motherhood continues and probably at a much more demanding pace. Even though motherhood is not celebrated every day as it should, let’s make sure that you will celebrate it this year when you need it more than ever by taking care of yourself.

You might not be spoiled with kisses and presents as the social distancing demands continue, but it is time to let yourself have some quality “me time” and get the pampering you deserve. Here are a couple of things that even though they are simple, will definitely comfort you and put a smile on your face.

No news, good news

This is your special day, so make sure that you thoroughly enjoy it. So, keep your distance from social media and other sources of information which will be filled with more updates on the pandemic. Take care of your mental health and turn off all news notifications on your phone for the day.


We know that you cannot simply switch off your stress! Why not try the 5 senses technique?Remember, you can use this every time you feel like coping with stress; it is always helpful to find relief quickly.

TOUCH: Wrap yourself in a warm blanket or wear a garment that feels light and comfortable on you. Hold a comforting object, or gently massage yourself.

SIGHT: Close your eyes and imagine a place that feels peaceful and rejuvenating. Take a look at your favorite photo. Surround yourself with colours and plants that lift your spirits when looking at them.

SMELL: Light a scented candle or smell essential oils. Open your window or door to enjoy clean, fresh air. Smell your flowers.

TASTE: Chew a piece of sugarless gum or a crunchy snack. Drink a cup of coffee, tea or a refreshing cold drink. Enjoy the flavors, do not rush.

SOUND: Sing your favorite tune. Try to listen to sounds of nature like birds chirping or the wind. If it is not possible, hang wind chimes.

Enjoy an ‘at home’ Spa day

Light a candle, pour a soothing drink and slip into your robe and slippers.Time to pamper yourself and create a spa in your bathroom.

Cleansing: Start your facial by removing all makeup and oils from your face. Then, fill a bowl with hot water, bend over it and allow the steam to gently open your pores.

Treatment: Apply a moisturizing mask, either prepackaged or DIY, that will make you feel radiant. Once you remove it, put your favorite moisturizer on and start gently massaging your face.

Relaxing: Take a hot long bubble bath or a hot shower and relax.When you are done, you can do your mani-pedi or hair and makeup. It’s up to you!

More personal time

It is time to devote time to yourself and do the things that routine does not allow you to spend time on. Here are some ideas:

  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Find time your hobby
  • Read a book
  • Watch your favorite series
  • Spend virtual time with your loved ones
  • Simply relax and find time to reflect. It is important.

Don’t feel guilty

It’s OK to ask for help.

Whether it’s going to work, getting a nanny, going to the gym or doing things that please you does not make you a bad mother.

Doing things that make you feel happy and good about yourself will help make your child admire you and be proud of you. So don’t feel guilty about wanting to do things for yourself and spending time away from your child. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, embrace your choice and take care of yourself.

Make this day special for you. You need to preserve your mental health for you and your loved ones. If you need more tips on a healthy weekend you can find them here, and if you feel that you need support to manage your excessive worry, you can Feel Relief here.



Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog

Feel develops Digital Biomarkers & Therapeutics to bring objective data & measurement in the way we diagnose & care for Mental Health➡️