8 Staff Meeting Agenda Templates for Effective Teams

View a collection of different staff team meeting agenda templates to keep everyone focused, on track, organized and moving in the same direction.

Fellow app
5 min readJul 29, 2022


A great staff meeting is an opportunity for colleagues and managers to get together to promote teamwork and collaboration.

A staff team meeting agenda is the bedrock on which a successful staff team meeting is built. This document communicates the time, place, scope, and discussion topics to the attendees required at the meeting. This agenda should always be supplied to the relevant people ahead of time. This gives people space to prepare adequately for the meeting and have their talking points ready.

They are an effective tool for businesses needing to make company-wide announcements, share information, and build cohesion within their staff.

Not all staff team meetings are created equal.

Here are 8 different staff meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help ensure that your staff meetings are efficient and effective:

  1. General Staff Team Meeting Agenda
  2. School Council Meeting Template
  3. Nurse Staff Meeting Template
  4. Hospital Staff Meeting Template
  5. Quality Advisory Committee Meeting Template
  6. Formal Meeting Agenda Template
  7. Board Meeting Minutes Template
  8. Remote Team Meeting Agenda

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates


General Staff Team Meeting Agenda

  • Updates-Any news or announcements for the week?
  • Big Picture-Where are we relative to our goals?
  • Priorities-What will everyone’s focus be for the week?

School Council Meeting Template

  • Old business updates- What updates from previous meetings do we need to follow up on?
  • New business-What new business updates need to be presented?
  • Principal’s report- What are the current priorities and initiatives from the principal?

Nurse Staff Meeting Template

  • Review of previous staff meeting minutes- What did we discuss in the last staff meeting?
  • Review hazards or incidents report- What hazards or incidents were previously reported that should be reviewed?
  • Upcoming training requirements-What upcoming training will be required amongst staff?
  • Current safety issues- Are there any current safety issues that should be discussed?

Hospital Staff Meeting Template

  • Approval of Agenda-Who is approving the agenda?
  • Quality and Performance- Are there any noteworthy updates or discussion points on the hospital’s quality and performance?
  • Service Reports-What updates on the service report should be presented and reviewed by staff?
  • Education-What educational initiatives are being brought forth? Are there any noteworthy updates?

Quality Advisory Committee Meeting Template

  • Approval of Agenda-Who is approving the agenda and the previous meeting minutes?
  • Business Arising from Minutes- Have all the action items been completed and a discussion on outstanding actions?
  • Goals and Objectives- What are our new goals, revised objectives and actions going forward?

Formal Meeting Agenda Template

  • Call to order-State the time, meeting location and the name of the organization.
  • Roll call- Record who was present at the meeting.
  • Approval of minutes from last meeting-Board members review and approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
  • Open issues-Review items that the board has previously discussed and are ready for formal approval.

Board Meeting Minutes Template

  • Meeting details-Note the meeting details here
  • Roll call-The roll call section of the template enables you to document who is in attendance
  • Old business-Use this portion of the board meeting template to outline all old business

Remote Team Meeting Agenda

  • Updates-Any news or announcements for the week?
  • Big Picture-Where are we relative to our goals?
  • Priorities-What will everyone’s focus be for the week?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out some of our other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. There are over 400 templates to browse👇



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