11 Meeting Templates for Sales Teams

Pre-built meeting templates for all your sales team meetings

Fellow app
7 min readJan 17, 2022


A meeting agenda template can help keep meetings on time and on topic. A built in structure makes it’s easy to know what needs to be prepared, added to the agenda, and what is going to be discussed.

For Sales teams, this can be especially important in order to keep your team meetings running smoothly — which leaves more time to spend with prospects, clients, or other tasks on your todo list.

Here are 11 different meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help ensure that your Sales meetings are efficient and effective:

  1. 20 Minute Sales Team Meeting
  2. Asynchronous Meeting
  3. BANT Sales Qualification Meeting
  4. Coaching Session
  5. Deal Review Meeting
  6. Monthly Sales Enablement Meeting
  7. Sales Forecasting Meeting
  8. Sales Huddle
  9. Sales Pipeline Meeting
  10. Quarterly Business Review
  11. Sales Discovery Call Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates

1. 20 Minute Sales Team Meeting

Sales Team Meeting Template
  • Numbers from last week [5 mins]: Jot down the number of closed deals and logged calls/emails or any other tracked metric.
  • Planning for this week [5 mins]: Each team member writes down what they plan to work on in the week ahead. Typically this includes priorities or targets.
  • Questions [5 mins]: Clarify any misunderstandings and address any other questions or concerns that sales reps might have.
  • Discussion items [5 mins]: Add any talking points to be discussed by the team.
  • Action Items: Record any next steps. Essentially, what came out of this meeting? What are the next steps? Who needs to do what by when?

2. Asynchronous Meeting

Asynchronous Sales Team Meeting Template
  • Context: Here the meeting organizer can clarify what this meeting is for, why the meeting is async, and what sales reps should be doing during this time. For example, a Sales leader might schedule an async time for each rep to review outstanding tasks in the CRM.
  • To Do: Specific actions items for the team to complete during this time bock.

3. BANT Sales Qualification Meeting

Template for BANT Sales Qualification Meeting
  • Budget: Document how much a prospect is willing to spend and if there are any constraints/limitations.
  • Authority: Write down the names of the primary decision makes and who will ultimately make the final decision.
  • Need: List any pains that the prospect is facing that could be resolved by your solution. Essentially, how much do they “need” the product.
  • Timeframe: A time estimate for the prospect to make a purchasing decision.

4. Coaching Session

Sales Coaching Template
  • Pre-work: Create a list of questions to be added before the meeting starts. These questions will help give context to the coaching session.
  • Check-in: Write questions that will open the floor of coaching and prompt deeper discussions.
  • Action Items: Add next steps for the person being coached to action.
  • Follow Up: Write down a quick game plan of how the person can complete each action item.
  • Closing Questions: Ask for feedback on the coaching session

5. Deal Review Meeting

Deal Review Meeting Template for Sales Teams
  • Opportunity summary: List key details of the opportunity including the amount to close, contact duration, and total contract value.
  • Company overview: Jot down the activity, size, revenue, and location of the company.
  • Opportunity overview: Elaborate on the specific details of the opportunity as it relates to the lead.
  • Target acquisition: Outline the scope of the opportunity
  • Decision process: Plan out the steps that need to be competed in order to close the deal.

6. Monthly Sales Enablement Meeting

Monthly Sales Enablement Template
  • New insights: Sales reps share insights about what they’ve been seeing when directly interacting with prospects.
  • Latest features: Members of the Product team write down what new features they’ve been working on.
  • Resources: A place for Marketing to share new resources. Also a place to discuss what other resources might be helpful.
  • Updates: Any other FYIs that the Sales team should be aware of.

7. Sales Forecasting Meeting

Sales forecasting meeting agenda template

Add “[Name] Forecast” for each Sales rep, then have them list their:

  • Worst case forecast: A conservative estimate of the deals that will be closed
  • Best case forecast: An optimistic estimate of what deals could be closed
  • Forecast: A realistic estimate of what the sales rep expects to close
  • Best case deal review: List the deals that are in the best case category

8. Sales Huddle

Template for a Sales Team Huddle
  • Status Update Roundtable: Each team member adds in important deals and deals in the closing stage.
  • Top focus: Reps outline their major priorities for the day or week.
  • Roadblocks: Add in any issues that have come up that the team can help problem-solve.

9. Sales Pipeline Meeting (Bi-weekly)

Template for a Sales Pipeline Meeting
  • MQLs: Review the number of marketing qualified leads (MQLs) from each specific channel
  • SQLs: Review the number of sales qualified leads (SQLs) from each specific channel including cold-calling and referrals.
  • Pipeline Health Review: Review the overall health of the pipeline by reporting on the average deal size, win rate, and average sales cycle.
  • Idea Brainstorm: Discuss how you can better collaborate with marketing and/or account managers.
  • Action Items: Write down next steps and todos.

10. Quarterly Business Review

Quarterly Business Review meeting template for sales teams
  • Intro Q&A: To start, ask attendees to add in any questions that they might or what questions they would like to see covered.
  • Previous Quarter Efforts: Describe last quarter’s sales activities.
  • Results: Describe what the results were from those sales activities.
  • Learnings: Discuss any learning that you or your team had from those efforts. Highlight any processes that should be changed or improved.
  • Next Quarter Initiatives: List the efforts that the Sales team will be doing in the upcoming quarter. Example: attending events, channel improvements, etc.
  • Forecast: Review the upcoming forecast including leads in the pipeline, new meetings, stretch goals, etc.
  • Outro Q&A: Ask attendees to add in any questions that have not been answered yet.

11. Sales Discovery Call Template

  • 💬About your company — Questions about the prospect’s company and role.
  • 🚀About your goals — Questions about the prospect’s overall goals.
  • 🤔About your problem areas — Questions about the prospect’s current problem areas.
  • 💰Timeline and budget — Questions about the prospect’s timeline and budget.
  • Authority — Questions about who makes the final decision at the company.
  • Additional questions — Additional questions to further qualify the lead.
  • Next steps — Track any next steps or items that you need to follow up on.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

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