6 Government Meeting Agenda Templates For Streamlined Teams

Templates to help organize meetings with boards, commissions, and other government bodies to deliberate or take action on public business.

Fellow app
5 min readDec 27, 2022


A meeting agenda consists of a list of topics, talking points, action items, and activities you’re looking to discuss during the meeting. It should include a clear and comprehensive outline of what should happen as the meeting takes place, who the owner of each item is, and how long each discussion point or task should take.

It’s absolutely crucial to the success of your team meeting that this information is provided to all meeting participants beforehand and as the meeting is taking place for the best chance of maximum meeting productivity.

Here are 6meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow team to help ensure your meetings are organized and held effectively:

  1. Project Coordinator Team Meeting Template
  2. Assistant Deputy Minister Policy Meeting Template
  3. Crisis Management Round Table [Daily Check-In] Template
  4. 1-on-1 with Direct Report Meeting Template
  5. Weekly Executive Committee Meeting Template
  6. Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates.


Project Coordinator Team Meeting Template

  • Check-in — List your initial remarks before jumping into the content of the meeting.
  • Updates — Discuss any updates and concerns with your projects. Is anybody’s work overlapping? What are your concerns with your projects?
  • Important file review — List and discuss any important files you are currently working on.
  • Media updates — List any media updates relating to the work that is relevant.
  • Office updates — List and discuss any important office updates.
  • Future work — Discuss any relevant upcoming projects.

Assistant Deputy Minister Policy Meeting Template

  • Opening Remarks — Initial remarks before jumping into the content of the meeting.
  • Issues and Initiatives — A discussion on broader based issues and initiatives.
  • Important Files — What important files should the ADM be briefed with?
  • Review Cabinet Development Memorandum — Review the cabinet development memorandum to build new policies.
  • Policy Changes — Review direction and relevant policy changes.
  • Closing Remarks — What closing notes should the attendees leave with? How should the attendees feel after the meeting?

Crisis Management Round Table [Daily Check-In] Template

  • Key Issues — Share a debrief of the key issues the department is facing.
  • Roundtable of Updates — Each member shares updates on the progression of issues within their respective team.
  • Priorities — Review priorities and set a direction for branch of the organization.

1-on-1 with Direct Report Meeting Template

  • General updates — Share any relevant updates from the previous week.
  • File updates — Share updates on the specific files you are working on. What roadblocks have you encountered?
  • Priorities — What are your work priorities this week? How are you spending your time?
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Weekly Executive Committee Meeting Template

  • Opening Remarks — Initial remarks before jumping into the content of the meeting.
  • Chairman Updates — The chairman of the meeting presents any initial updates.
  • Specific Ad Hoc Files — Review specific on-going files that are relevant to the entire executive committee.
  • Round Table Updates — Each Director shares updates on current files, priorities and roadblocks they’re facing.
  • Financial Updates — A glimpse into the finances department and any relevant updates.
  • Summary of Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Template

  • Updates — News and announcements.
  • Wins — Share recent victories and positive news.
  • Metrics — Quarterly priorities and their progress.
  • Roadblocks — Any challenges/concerns?
  • Feedback — Recognition and suggestions for improvement
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out some of our other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. There are over 400 templates to browse👇



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