11 Check-in Meeting Agenda Templates For Team Alignment

Use these meeting templates for productive check-ins to keep your team members aligned.

Fellow app
6 min readJun 20, 2023


Check-in meetings are what they sound like. They consist of leadership or management checking in with a specific person or team about the status of an existing project, challenges and learnings.

Check-in meetings can help confirm all progress on a company initiative or project and maintain the momentum of that project to keep everyone aligned. While check-in meetings are genuinely effective at keeping everyone on the same page, a manager check-in template can make the conference even more valuable by cutting down on time wasted due to lack of meeting preparation.

Here are 9 meeting agenda templates curated by the Fellow team to help your team remain aligned with their tasks and projects:

  1. Project Check-In Meeting Template
  2. Check-In Meeting Template
  3. Research Team Check-In Meeting Template
  4. Quick Check-In Meeting Template
  5. Project Coordinator Daily Check-In Meeting Template
  6. Executive Assistant Weekly Check-In Meeting Template
  7. Partnership Check-In Meeting Template
  8. Initiative Check-In with Wellness Advisor Template
  9. Crisis Management Round Table Meeting Template
  10. Quality Analyst Daily Check-in Meeting Template
  11. Bidaily Engineering Enterprise Team Check-In Meeting Template

⭐️ Fun fact: We built a meeting agenda app where you can create and customize your own templates!

Project Check-In Meeting Template

  • 🎉Small Wins — What is going well? Anything you have accomplished since our last check-in?
  • 🚦Review Past Action Items — Let’s review open action items from past check-in meetings. Discuss the progress on each.
  • 📌 Updates — Discuss the overall status of the project and progress on individual objectives.
  • Puzzles — Anything you are stumped on that I can help resolve? Do you need support from anyone on the team?
  • Questions — Any specific questions about the project?
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Check-In Meeting Template

  • What’s top of mind? — Things we should talk about
  • Things that went well this week — Recent wins and positive news
  • Learnings — Things we’ve learned or could’ve done differently
  • Priorities since we last met — Top things we’ve focused on in the last couple of days
  • Priorities until we meet again — Top things we’re focusing on, from now until the next time we meet
  • Challenges — Roadblocks/concerns — and ways we can work them out
  • Feedback — Recognition and suggestions for improvement
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Research Team Check-In Meeting Template

  • 🔍Findings — List any findings from your research this week along with their sources.
  • ⛔️Issues — List any issues from the research this week.
  • 📚Learnings — List any learnings from this week.
  • Priorities — List your priorities for this week.

Quick Check-In Meeting Template

  • What’s top of mind? — Things we should talk about
  • Priorities — Top things we’re focusing on, from now until the next time we meet
  • What needs help? — Challenges, roadblocks, concerns — and ways we can work them out
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Project Coordinator Daily Check-In Meeting Template

  • 🚦Project status — Provide a brief update on the status of each project. What has changed since yesterday?
  • 🎯 Today’s objectives — Discuss what project tasks are you working on today.
  • ⛔️ Roadblocks — Is there anything blocking your progress? How can I help?
  • Pending approval — Is there anything you need my approval from to move forward with a project?

Executive Assistant Weekly Check-In Meeting Template

  • Project Follow-up — What important files are we currently working on? What progress was made since last week?
  • Meeting Review — What meetings do we need to prepare this week?
  • Priorities — What are your priorities this week?
  • Roadblocks — What can I help you with?
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?

Partnership Check-In Meeting Template

  • 🔍 Program check-in — Share your perspectives on how things have been going since you last met.
  • ❗️ Timely topics — What’s top of mind for both companies/teams right now? How can we help each other?
  • ➡️ Upcoming — Discuss opportunities, events, or changes impacting the partnership that may occur between now and your next meeting.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Initiative Check-In with Wellness Advisor Template

  • Initiative updates — What are your work priorities this week? How are you spending your time?
  • Action Plan Review — Review the current action plan and reassess if necessary.
  • Sensitive Case Review — Are there any situations we should preemptively be aware of?
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Crisis Management Round Table Meeting Template

  • 🔑 Key Issues — Share a debrief of the key issues the department is facing.
  • 🚀 Roundtable of Updates — Each member shares updates on the progression of issues within their respective team.
  • 📌 Priorities — Review priorities and set a direction for branch of the organization.

Quality Analyst Daily Check-in Meeting Template

  • 💬 Current Status — Any updates on our current status?
  • High Priorities — What are the priorities for the day?
  • 🚧 Edge Cases / Bottlenecks — What roadblocks did you run into?
  • 🤝 How can we collaborate together? — What can we collaborate on? What do you need from me?

Bidaily Engineering Enterprise Team Check-In Meeting Template

  • Ongoing Projects + Priorities — List each team members name, their project and their priorities for the day.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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