Introducing the Next Ferrum Advisory Services Project: Flourishing Capital

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2 min readApr 6, 2021

Introducing the Next Ferrum Advisory Services Project: Flourishing Capital

FlourishingAI is a first-of-its-kind platform that makes crypto investing simple and smart for investors by leveraging AI powered risk managed high frequency trading to dynamically adapt portfolio strategy to profit in bull markets and preserve capital in bear markets. Their native token is aptly named, “AI”.

FlourishingAI is live RIGHT NOW and with competitors leaning towards the one size fits all approach favoring experienced traders, FlourishingAI works to combat this method by appealing to a wide set of investors in crypto ranging from newbies to seasoned vets and everything in between. Now, new cryptonians have the luxury to finally trade at the same caliber as professionals without the extra years of training, and experienced crypto hodlers can easily set it and forget it (set a strategy and step away from their screens without crippling thoughts!). Professional traders and everyone in between can improve their precision by using the vast array of power tools FlourishingAI offers for advanced risk managed trading.

Targeting areas of concern that are prevalent within existing algorithms

Through trial and error, FlourishingAI hones in on problematic areas that other algorithms prove to be their Achilles heel and works to address them by providing:

  • Blockchain Analysis with Clear Bull or Bear Indicators
  • Unique High Frequency Performance API
  • Multi-Exchange Book Analysis with Stochastic Anomaly Detection
  • Dynamic Conditional Laddering, and Graceful Entries/Exits
  • Automated Liquidity Mining, Arbitrage, and Market Making

As a part of their roadmap, they aim to offer services that expand their native token-AI’s DeFi/Centralized Exchange Bridge Service, Liquidity Mining, Automated DeFi Yield Farming, Crypto Credit Score and provide undercollateralized Defi Loans which are just a few of the features that will catapult them to greater heights.

FlourishingAI was founded by Flourishing Capital, a team of successful entrepreneurs with a stellar track record and a common initiative focused on the application of AI research to crypto portfolio management.

Through Ferrum Advisory Services, Flourishing Capital benefits from a wide set of incubation services from fundraising, marketing support, staking services, and ultimately community growth that will prove to set Flourishing Capital from the industry standard.

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network is a DeFi ecosystem that interoperates across chains and removes barriers to mass adoption. Ferrum’s cross-chain DAG enables the transfer of any digital asset in milliseconds for near-zero network fees. Its non-custodial UniFyre Wallet has revolutionized the way people send crypto with its “Link Drop” technology and Staking-as-a-Service being used by over 50 projects. Their Token Bridge is the fastest and most secure means of moving assets between Ethereum and Binance Chain.

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