Introducing the Postsale: Invest in Pre-Sales after a Project Has Launched

Postsales: the only opportunity to invest in pre-sales after the launch to de-risk investors and increase FRM/FRMx utility!

Nick Odio
4 min readNov 24, 2021


Dear Ferrum Community,

Ferrum is constantly looking for and taking advantage of opportunities to create value for our token holders. We are proud to introduce a new initiative devised to de-risk investors and encourage the healthy growth of the FRM/FRMx token economy — The Ferrum Network Postsale!

The Ferrum Network Postale

What is it?

The Ferrum Network Postsale is an innovative take on providing presale allocations to our wonderful community of holders… after the project has already launched! Investors will be granted the opportunity to invest at presale prices, post-launch!

Why is this beneficial: “Know” the Future and De-risk

Imagine being able to see into the future and know how a project was going to perform before you invest? Well, that’s what the Ferrum Network Postsale allows you to do! While this incurs more risk on Ferrum as a company, we’re happy to do it if it means minimizing the risk for our investors!

Furthermore, it also presents an incredible opportunity to utilize the Ferrum Leaderboard for future installations of our Leaderboard Competitions. Knowing the returns on your investment before investing provides a powerful incentive to participate in our FRM buying competitions and we plan to use this for the benefit of our entire community.

The Lovelace Story and our Inspiration for the Postsale

Sometimes opportunities present themselves when you’re not looking for them. Ferrum Network recently received an allocation into the hot new Metaverse-as-a-Service project, Lovelace! However, when Lovelace moved up the date of their launch, we were not able to raise funds before the token generation event. Fortunately, Lovelace had a locked round for 30 days, which allowed us to raise funds from the Ferrum community even after the launch occurred. This is how the idea for the Postsale was born.

Traditional Sale vs. Postsale vs. Hybrid Model

To be clear, the snapshot we just took for Lovelace relates to a traditional sale, meaning investors have qualified based on their FRM/FRMx holdings in UniFyre. The pledge forms have been sent and there is about 12 hours remaining to pledge for the Lovelace traditional raise (as of November 24 at 9am EST). The majority of the Lovelace allocation is dedicated to the traditional raise and does not involve the leaderboard and is therefore not a “Postsale” as described in this article.

However, a portion of the allocation will be used for the Lovelace Postsale with Leaderboard Competition. In the coming days, we will announce the start of Lovelace Postsale Leaderboard Competition which will allow those who increase their FRM holdings over a specific time period to gain an additional allocation into Lovelace. In this sense, Lovelace could be considered a hybrid approach where we did a traditional raise plus a Postsale.

Going forward, we envision conducting more hybrid sales (traditional plus Postsale), good old fashioned pre-sales, and exclusive Postsales. The fact is Ferrum is regularly offered allocations in seed rounds and other early stage opportunities. Going forward, we envision utilizing a portion of these investment opportunities towards Postsales so our community can enjoy the benefits of early stage investments without taking on as much risk.

Postsale Leaderboard Competition Will Include a Staking Requirement

To solve the problem of Postsale leaderboard competition participants from taking advantage of this system and immediately liquidating their holdings after the competition, we will be imposing a staking requirement for all winners. Therefore, if you are a winner of a Postsale leaderboard competition, you will be required to stake your FRM in order to receive your allocation (don’t worry, APY will be provided)!

For those that do not win, we encourage you to bridge your new FRM over to Ethereum and move it into UniFyre Wallet so you can participate in and receive guaranteed allocations in traditional pre-sales.

Details of Lovelace Postsale

For the Lovelace Postsale, we have $25,000 set aside for Postsale leaderboard winners. The Leaderboard competition will begin Thursday, November 25th at 16:00 UTC and end exactly 7 days later. There will be 50 winners — the 50 people who increase their FRM holdings the most in the given time period.

  • The top 10 of the leaderboard competition will receive a $1000 allocation in Lovelace NFT round
  • Top 11–25 will receive a $500 allocation
  • Top 26–50 will receive a $300 allocation

The leaderboard will look at your BSC FRM holdings held in your Web3 wallet (Metamask or similar), so remember to head over to our partner DEX Apeswap to get your BSC FRM.

The competition will start Friday and last one week, so get ready for some fun and excitement!

Rules of Leaderboard Competitions: The competition is designed to bring new investors into Ferrum. Therefore, bridging your FRM from ERC20 to BSC will not count towards the competition.

Next Postsale: Talecraft Seed Round

As we mentioned, Ferrum often has opportunities to invest in early stage deals. Talecraft was another seed round investment locked for 30 days, meaning it is perfect for a Postsale! We will announce more details after the launch.

In Conclusion

We are incredibly excited about introducing this extremely unique and valuable concept to our community, and we can not wait to get started! We will look to do Postsales as often as we can. Stay tuned for more coming in the future!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.