Know Your Validator: Antrix

Albena Kostova
Published in
6 min readFeb 17, 2023

Since is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain network, the essential task of maintaining the whole system and guaranteeing its security is entrusted into the “hands” of its validators. Additionally, validators are trusted with delegations by FET stakers of all sizes, which practically translates into increasing their voting power and, by extension, their influence over the network. Consequently, they become the keepers of the fragile balance between accumulating power while also, for the health of the chain, striving to make it as decentralized as possible.

Unfortunately, these custodians of the protocol are usually shrouded in secrecy, and users often find it challenging to make an informed choice of whom to delegate their funds. In an attempt to remedy that and to create a space for Fetch validators to talk directly with our community, we initiated the Know Your Validator campaign.

Now, almost two years later, we are boosting transparency even further. We are launching a series of blog posts, each dedicated to one of our validating partners, so as to help you know them better.

Four pieces from the series have already been published — our interviews with, Posthuman.Digital, Staking Land, and Stakewolle.

Below is the fifth one featuring the Antrix team. Enjoy!

Q: In a couple of sentences, introduce yourself and/or your organization and tell us where you are based.

Antrix: Antrix, pronounced as “Antariksha” or “Antariksh” in Hindi, is a name that symbolizes our connection to the vast potential of outer space. This name reflects our belief in the mission and vision of and the limitless possibilities it holds.

We are a family-run validator node operator based in the scenic rural Midwest of the USA. The day-to-day operation of the node is managed by the owner, who possesses over two decades of IT experience. Our team also includes a microbiologist and two business administration students, bringing a diverse set of skills and perspectives to our work.

Q: What got you into the Web3/crypto space, and how long have you been in it?

Antrix: I was first introduced to the world of cryptocurrency a few years ago when my son shared his excitement about the Dogecoin hype. Intrigued, I decided to invest a small amount and was pleasantly surprised when I saw profits. This sparked my interest in the crypto space, and I began researching and studying it in depth. As I delved deeper, I realized I wanted to try my hand at mining, but didn’t want to invest a significant amount of money in expensive graphic cards. I was determined to find a more affordable solution, and that’s when I came across Duino, a coin that could be mined using Arduino boards. I purchased a few boards and embarked on my mining journey. That was in mid-2020, and since then I’ve been running nodes for various chains using large boxes, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Q: Tell us your story about how and when you became a validator on the Network. How did you first hear about

Antrix: I first discovered through the Coinbase Learn and Earn program. The program consisted of a series of educational slides, followed by a quiz after each slide. Upon successful completion of all the slides, participants were rewarded with a small amount of tokens, I believe it was around $3 worth. This program piqued my interest in, and I began to delve deeper by reading the tokenomics and other papers on the website, ultimately leading me to purchase the token.

At the time, I was also running a node for the Cardano stake pool and was looking to expand into other chains. I decided to focus on Proof-of-Stake chains, as I didn’t want to invest in expensive GPU equipment. I had a strong belief in the potential of AI and since I already owned Fetch tokens, I thought it would be the best way to show my support for the project by becoming a validator. I started by running a validator in the testnet to understand the complexities and effort required before moving to the mainnet. Being my first validator node in the Cosmos chain, I wanted to be extra cautious.

Q: Have you participated in Fetch testnets?

Antrix: Yes. We ran a test validator for a period of time before we migrated to mainnet.

Q: What commission do you offer FET holders as a delegation incentive?

Antrix: We charge a commission of 5%, which is in line with the minimum percentage mandated by the network’s upcoming upgrade. We believe this is a fair rate, considering the costs of our infrastructure and the time and effort invested in monitoring our node. We aim to provide a balance of profitability for ourselves and affordability for our delegators.

Q: Have you participated in governance discussions and voted on any of the governance proposals?

Antrix: As a new validator on the chain, we have not yet had the opportunity to vote on any proposal. However, prior to operating our own node, we were a delegator and actively participated in many governance proposals. Our experience as a delegator has provided us with valuable insights and understanding of the governance process, which we plan to bring to our role as a validator. We are excited to contribute to the decision-making process of the chain and make an impact in the community.

Q: Are you running (or are you planning to run) any ecosystem features such as seed nodes, client RPC endpoints, block explorers, or a DApp?

Antrix: We run RPC endpoints and plan to run a block explorer. We are also looking at seed nodes.

Q: Please describe your involvement as a validator or in any other development work in the overall Web3 ecosystem.

Antrix: was the first validator node that we established in the Cosmos ecosystem. In addition to this, we also operate a validator node for Band Protocol. Furthermore, we have experience running a stake pool for the Cardano blockchain, outside the Cosmos chain.

This experience with different blockchain networks has allowed us to gain a diverse understanding of the crypto space, and we are excited to bring this knowledge to our role as a validator.

Q: Share your parting thoughts. Which is your favorite DApp and why?

Antrix: We are extremely enthusiastic about the future of the blockchain. Its innovative use of artificial intelligence to power and develop decentralized apps is truly groundbreaking and has the potential to drive widespread adoption of AI in decentralized applications. We believe that the project has the potential to revolutionize the industry, and we are excited to be a part of it. We are committed to supporting the growth and development of the ecosystem, and we believe it will be a game changer for the industry.

Q: What are your plans for the coming 5 years?

Antrix: As we look ahead to the next five years, we have ambitious plans to expand our validator node operations to other Cosmos chains. We believe that this will enable us to offer more value to our delegators and to be a part of multiple thriving ecosystems.

Additionally, we are also exploring the possibility of creating a website that allows users to easily perform statistical analysis on the chain. This would enable delegators, investors, and enthusiasts to make more informed decisions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments on the network.

Q: Is there something you would like to share with our community?

Antrix: We firmly believe that artificial intelligence is the future, and is at the forefront of this technological revolution. The unique approach of to use AI to power and create decentralized apps is truly visionary and will play a crucial role in the widespread adoption of AI in decentralized applications. Our decision to spin up a validator node is a testament to our long-term commitment to the ecosystem. We are dedicated to providing the best service to the community and our delegators, and we hope to be a valuable contributor to the growth and success of the network.

Q: How can our community members reach out and contact you? Please share your website and/or social media profiles.

Antrix: They can reach out on Twitter or over Email. In addition to our role as a validator, we also actively engage with the community by regularly responding to user queries on the official Telegram channel of We believe that communication and transparency are crucial for building trust with our delegators and the community. Our goal is to provide helpful and timely responses to any questions or concerns that users may have about our validator node or the network.



Albena Kostova

Blockchain & Music | Blockchain Marketing Expert