Go to Quick Fiction
Quick Fiction
Stories under 3,000 words (because we all know the top attention span on Medium.com is about 10–15 minutes)
Note from the editor

This is for short stories under 3,000 words (because we all know the top attention span on Medium.com is about 10–15 minutes). This is a page for aspiring writers of fiction to practice and hone their skills and find their own personal style. Seek peer review or just write and publish. Submit stories to me at glen.hines@outlook.com.

Go to the profile of Glen Hines
Glen Hines
Fortunate son, lucky husband, doting father. Marine/Citizen/Six-time author/Creator. "Intellectual renegade." On a writer's journey.
Go to the profile of Mike Robertson
Mike Robertson
Living on the bank of a major river, I’ve learned great respect for flow, relentlessness, and mud.