Go to Fiction. Intense & Extrardinary. Period.
Fiction. Intense & Extrardinary. Period.
Short stories & novellas from the mind of Edison McDaniels.
Note from the editor

Short stories & novellas from the mind of Edison McDaniels.

Go to the profile of Edison McDaniels MD
Edison McDaniels MD
Physician & wordsmith—ordinary folks caught in the maelstrom of extraordinary circumstances. Amazon: http://t.co/BJD0Fo6w55 Goodreads: http://t.co/qx7rIi2LyC
Go to the profile of Edison McDaniels MD
Edison McDaniels MD
Physician & wordsmith—ordinary folks caught in the maelstrom of extraordinary circumstances. Amazon: http://t.co/BJD0Fo6w55 Goodreads: http://t.co/qx7rIi2LyC