Condoms and colors

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2024


He wanted to jazz up their sex life

Featured Drabble word ‘color’

Credit Elf-Moondance on Pixabay

A drabble is a short story told in exactly 100 words.

A word is randomly chosen to be included in this tale.

The story is built around this word.

Today the cornerstone word is ‘color.’

The following is an age-old story passed down from generation to generation.

Married for a good ten years, he had a son and wasn’t looking forward to any more children.

One night before he and his wife were going to have sex, he was approached by his young son as he was unfurling a brightly colored blue condom.

“Daddy, Daddy! What’s that?” the boy asked pointing to the condom.

“Ummm. Errr….” the man stalling.

“ A rat trap son.” the father explained thinking the youngster was too young to hear about the birds and the bees.

“What are you going to do with the rat after you catch it, Daddy?

Fuck it?”

For a great drabble that’s also educational, please read this one by Quinn




Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.