Floating Free

Indescribable beauty

Jennifer Morrison
Fiction Shorts


Today’s random word is marketing, and the twist setup is that I just fell off the edge of the earth.

Pavlo Semeniuk on Unsplash

Well, hello there! Thanks for coming to enjoy my story. You’re encouraged to stay over 30 seconds so that we know you’ve stopped by. If you like what I’ve written, great! Throw out some claps, highlights, and a comment before you go. I really appreciate you- thank you.

Looking around, I see wonderful blasts of pure white, glowing pale blue spots everywhere. Swiveling over, I can still see the earth, now far below.

I’m floating, swimming out in infinite space, enjoying everything that I can witness so clearly now.

It is absolutely breathtaking up here.

I wonder remotely how I’m able to breathe, but it’s of little concern compared with the amazingness I’m surrounded with.

I don’t know what they put in the new cough medicine I took before falling asleep, but the marketing for it was good enough to make me purchase it.

And here I am…

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Jennifer Morrison
Fiction Shorts

I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!