Following Footprints

A Cryptic Message

Sarah S
Fiction Shorts
Jan 12, 2024


Today’s Random Word Is: Scientist

Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels

I’d just returned home from a forty-hour shift when the message came. It read:

Latitude: 31.0021° S Longitude: 115.3307° E

The coordinates led to the centre of Lancelin Sand Dunes in Western Australia. A spot notably filled with white sand and hot air. A dry well of emptiness.

I didn’t tell anyone else about the message. As a scientist, my first instinct was to follow it. I packed a bag and drove.

The dunes, once barren and dry, were now filled with water, and the air was icy.

The message was clear. Everything we’d done had changed the world.

This flash fiction piece is a response to day 11 of the Random Word Drabble Challenge: Scientist by Nancy Oglesby. Thanks for reading!



Sarah S
Fiction Shorts

Writer. Reviewer. Book Lover. Film Enthusiast. Dedicated to unravelling the magic of stories through insightful reviews and handpicked recommendations.