Her Turn

Random Word Drabble with at Twist 157

Alan Campbell
Fiction Shorts
1 min readJun 5, 2024


Flowers©Original by Author All Rights Reserved

A Drabble is 100 words. NO more and please no less. We are served a twist with our 100 words on occasion. Today’s random word is turn. The twist is you must start the story with, “Her shoes were too tight.

Her shoes were too tight.
She did a quick turn to the right and faced her mom.
I’ll wear the high tops.

That color is so gorgeous on you. just radiant.
I am so proud of you. Come here.
You look beautiful.
Thank you, Mom.

Angel stood towering over mom. She was
18 and just about to graduate.

It had been 6 months of confusion
and emotional turmoil.
The ups and downs. Disappointment filled her
pockets on a daily basis.

Finally, It was done. She decided to come out
during Pride month. She was ecstatic!

Now, time to tell Dad.

Please check out the Random Chaos provided by the fearless Nancy. It’s fun, no really. Here is a link to randomness. https://medium.com/fiction-shorts/mixed-up-june-random-drabble-157-f97617405395



Alan Campbell
Fiction Shorts

A story teller. I created images for others for years. I am finally opening my creativity on the flat plane. Join me. Curious what you'll find in my words.