Let Me Tell You About My Dad

Drabble #185 The word is ‘school’

Carolann Grace Renaud
Fiction Shorts


Image Credit — pinterest.com

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.

“Come on Sasha, Please,” whined Jon. “You said you’d do anything for me,” Whispered Sasha.

“OK, so I understand about being on time. I even get it about wearing a shirt with sleeves” he replied.

“And Baby, I love you for doing that,” smiled Sasha.

“I even got my muffler fixed.” Jon frowned.

“Oh, Jon, you were gonna do that anyway, cause of the citation remember?”

‘Yeah, Yeah, but Babe now I gotta take off my earring and get a haircut? All this just to meet your dad?”

“Baby, have you ever heard the term, ‘Old School?’ That’s my Dad!”

If you enjoy my writing please feel free to buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/joyfilledws

I think you’ll like this chill drabble by Voice Lessons at https://medium.com/fiction-shorts/the-widow-in-first-class-8ed11a2636c5

Please enjoy more Drabbles here — https://medium.com/fiction-shorts



Carolann Grace Renaud
Fiction Shorts

I love creativity in any form, revealing an aliveness and activity of the brain and heart that God gave us. I am on a limited budget, not a limited playground.