Lies Are Tragic

Your word is still your word

Jennifer Morrison
Fiction Shorts


Today’s random word is: promise

Siyuan on Unsplash

Sit back, relax, and enjoy my story for at least 30 seconds so that I know you’ve been here. Claps, highlights, and comments are especially appreciated!

“Please come inside, Alicia. This is way too dangerous.” Frank reached his hand out the apartment window, but Alicia moved further away along the edge of the roof.

“I don’t care,” she responded in a monotone voice. “You promised that you’d never cheat on me.”

The lights shone up from the cop cars stories below. It caused an eerie sort of glow rising up behind Alicia. Frank realized how serious this was.

“I did wrong, Alicia,” Frank began to cry. “I lied to you when I didn’t keep my promise. But please, don’t hurt yourself! Please, I’m not worth it!”

Nancy Oglesby posts a random word prompt daily for us to write our drabble (exactly 100 words) around, helping both to hone our skills and craft our unique voices. Want to learn more about it? All you need to do is click the link below!

This drabble by Jonny Masters really moved me. I anticipated one thing, and it was a complete surprise. I truly love this…



Jennifer Morrison
Fiction Shorts

I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!