The Mystery of the Wildfire at Jaxon Hole

Random Word Drabble

Robin MS
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2024


A bonfire in the forest at night.
Bonfire image created by author using Bing Copilot AI.

Today’s Drabble writing prompt is #165. The word is basin, and the genre is mystery.

A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words. When you’re done reading mine, please take a moment to savor it. About 30 seconds lets me know you were here. Thank you!

The fire was spreading quickly — faster than any they’d seen before at Jaxon Hole.

The little town gathered in prayer hoping that it stopped when it hit the water basin, but their small group of firefighters stood ready in case it didn’t.

There had been a drought and the dryness had certainly been a factor in the quick spread, but they couldn’t figure out the catalyst. What had happened in the middle of the forest to start the burn?

If they knew about the coven’s Litha celebration and the bonfire that got out of hand, they would hang us all.

  • Litha is a pagan holiday.

Recommended Reading

Here’s a few more Drabbles that I loved reading and I think you will too.

A Dinosaur in Michigan by Keith M. Leonard

