The Trail Goes Cute

Today’s word is “muddy”

S. Douglas Hall
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2024


Muddy footprints through a nice clean kitchen.
Created by the author using Midjourney (Created with AI).

Mel looked down at the footprints going through the entryway and into the house.

Muddy prints left a trail across the linoleum in the kitchen, and the carpet in the living room, and headed up the stairs.

Mel started to fume. The floors needed mopping and the carpet needed scrubbing.

Letting out the biggest big sigh, Mel trudged to the cleaning closet.

Later, hearing the water running upstairs, Mel went to see.

Mel whipped open the bathroom door to find Cassidy and Cheddar sitting in the tub, enjoying a bubble bath. A smile crept across Mel’s face.

“Love you two.”

Today’s drabble was inspired by and uses a phrase, “biggest Big Sigh,” from Stephanie D. Rondeau’s story over in Frazzled. You should definitely go check it out.

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Now that the floors are all clean again…for now, check out these drabbles from Sawyer Kuhl, the



S. Douglas Hall
Fiction Shorts

Father, Husband, and Veteran, all things that I hope make me an interesting Author.