Go to Fiction Hub
Fiction Hub
Home for the best fiction, creative writing, and storytelling on Medium.
Note from the editor

Home for the best fiction, creative writing, and storytelling on Medium. This is the place to discover awesome short stories, science fiction, and fantasy. To submit a story send an email to fictionhub.io@gmail.com

Go to the profile of Fiction Hub
Fiction Hub
Discover extraordinary fiction! https://fictionhub.io/
Go to the profile of lumenwrites
Digital Writer, Startup Founder, Full-Stack Web Developer. https://lumenwrites.io
Go to the profile of Jumah Chaguan
Jumah Chaguan
I write about “everyday” people.
Go to the profile of Russell Morgan
Russell Morgan
Flash fiction and short reads
Go to the profile of Viji Suresh
Viji Suresh
Belongs to this beguiling species, capable of loving 10 different people in 10 different ways, without the intensity taking a hit. #women
Go to the profile of Ryan Kim
Ryan Kim
Written and rewritten in VA.
Go to the profile of André Teixeira
André Teixeira
Amateur writer and professional reader, dreams of world domination and loves great coffee.
Go to the profile of Heather Skye
Heather Skye
Jill-of-many-trades, master of none, but I have a pretty good time with the lot of them.
Go to the profile of Sam Brelsfoard
Go to the profile of Jeremy S. Thompson
Jeremy S. Thompson
Social Media Director, @KamalaHarris for the People. If you have a cool video of the Senator, DM me. #ForwardAlways
Go to the profile of John Shankman
John Shankman
1 Digital World
Go to the profile of Renato Bratkovič
Renato Bratkovič
Creative @ MinistrstvoZaPropagando.si, dark fiction writer @ TemneSnovi.eu and your international crime&noir festival creator @ Alibi-fest.com
Go to the profile of Rachel B. Baxter
Rachel B. Baxter
A few good stories, a thousand different versions. My dreams are written in form. Author of Mother Scorpion. http://rbbaxter.com
Go to the profile of Anthony Maiorana
Anthony Maiorana
Writer of The Polymerist newsletter. Talk to me about chemistry, polymers, plastics, sustainability, climate change, and the future of how we live.
Go to the profile of Pete Kingsley
Pete Kingsley
My writing is a collection of flash fiction and bedtime stories that I've been telling for about 20 years.
Go to the profile of Lauren G
Lauren G
I needed a space for me to share my daily creative writing; some are fiction prompts, others are just ideas to begin new stories and nonfiction.
Go to the profile of Francis Thomas
Francis Thomas
Writer with no redeeming qualities.
Go to the profile of Senmaru Komura
Go to the profile of James Eugene
James Eugene
I’ve never been accused of being consistent.
Go to the profile of Shweta Ganesh Kumar
Shweta Ganesh Kumar
Writer. Podcaster. Storyteller www.shwetaganeshkumar.com
Go to the profile of Mike Rosser
Mike Rosser
Game designer, writer, environmentalist.
Go to the profile of Girish Karthikeyan
Girish Karthikeyan
Smart, Devoted to Meditation, Writing for Fun, Truth, Living with Differences, Optimist. www.RadicalGK.com
Go to the profile of Kim Ferrer
Kim Ferrer
Writing teas and shades and beyond that. http://focusfeature.mb.com.ph/author/kim-ferrer/
Go to the profile of InnerPeaceNow.com
The free resource for inner peace. Books, coaching, blogs and more…
Go to the profile of Jingshen Lim
Jingshen Lim
moonchild, singapore
Go to the profile of A M Wilson
A M Wilson
Free and always will be. Poems and short stories. Some are better than others.
Go to the profile of Vicente L Ruiz
Vicente L Ruiz
Parenting. Writing. Teaching. Geeking. Flash fiction writer. Tweeting one #VSS365 (or more) a day.
Go to the profile of the dilettante
Go to the profile of L. A. Wright
L. A. Wright
Hi, I’m Lauren. I design jewelry by day and write stuff by night. Thank you for checking me out :)
Go to the profile of Martin Dillet
Go to the profile of Stuart D Rogerson
Stuart D Rogerson
I Gazed into The Visions of the Night. Catholic Convert. Writer. Grandfather. Scottish.
Go to the profile of Daan Spijer
Daan Spijer
Lawyer, mediator, award-winning writer and photographer, living with his wife Sally in Mt Eliza, (south of Melbourne) Australia
Go to the profile of Scott Bennett
Scott Bennett
Musician, electrician, gamer, lover of horror and cats, MTG player, a person very new to writing.
Go to the profile of Q
Escape reality with me for a few minutes. For inquiries, email me at qmarcelwrites@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Dr. Furaha Asani
Dr. Furaha Asani
Migrant. Postdoctoral researcher. Teacher. Mental Health Advocate. Writer. Professional in the streets, loud on the sheets of paper.
Go to the profile of .
Go to the profile of sirwritealot
Go to the profile of Motaz Al-Thaher
Motaz Al-Thaher
User Experience designer and passionate User of Things. I share case studies on UX/UI and fiction, the latter when inspiration visits.
Go to the profile of Bryan Vale
Bryan Vale
I am a Bay Area-based writer. I write fiction, technical content, personal essays, and amateur critiques. My Medium profile is mostly for the last two.
Go to the profile of Natasa Lekic
Natasa Lekic
We're a group of established editors, with experience working for Big Five publishers, who will help you whip your manuscript into shape.
Go to the profile of Raymond Walker
Raymond Walker
Hi I’m Raymond. As you can probably guess from the posts so far I am a writer; articles, short stories, reviews, books and anything else I wish to do.
Go to the profile of Pavithran K
Go to the profile of J. S. Halo
J. S. Halo
Short story writer. Analyzer of life.
Go to the profile of Heena R. Pardeshi
Heena R. Pardeshi
Fiction Novelist & Editor | Coffee aficionado & tea connoisseur | Obsessive reader | Cat mommy | Wine enthusiast | Francophile
Go to the profile of Sam Cliff
Sam Cliff
Gonzo School of Journalism, BA & MA, Guitarist, OCTX, IG austin_on_guitar
Go to the profile of Anne Fehlings
Anne Fehlings
I’m a freelance researcher and writer of both fiction an non-fiction, focusing mostly on mythology, folklore and palaeontology
Go to the profile of Shirley Tan
Go to the profile of Write Out
Write Out
Writing out thoughts and stories whilst on the road in South India.
Go to the profile of Mikers Litton
Mikers Litton
Go to the profile of Chris McQueer
Chris McQueer
My short story collections Hings and HWFG are out now, published by 404 Ink. chrismcqueer1@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jeremy Zerby
Jeremy Zerby
Hermeneutics, religion, pop psychology, self-help, and culture. They are all connected, and I am here to explain how.
Go to the profile of Urjeeta Tule
Go to the profile of Aishwarya Chaurasia
Aishwarya Chaurasia
Aspiring writer. Atheist. Dreamer.
Go to the profile of Drift3r Soul
Drift3r Soul
Person jumping between nerd and loner attitudes, who wants to tell stories that can be contributed to and shared.
Go to the profile of Eric Beversluis
Eric Beversluis
www.ericbeversluis.com. Trying to capture life. Stories, essays and reviews. Microfiction is a drive-by shooting; a novel is a Hundred Years’ War
Go to the profile of Dyanne Harvey
Dyanne Harvey
Indie musician turned freelance copywriter living the single mom life. Find me at www.DyanneHarvey.com
Go to the profile of Jessica Tarasoff
Jessica Tarasoff
Every body asks me if these stories actually happened. I write to figure it out. Some stories in Portuguese, most in English.
Go to the profile of PJ Rodriguez
PJ Rodriguez
Former marketing and communications strategy, current teacher. It's all words tho, innit?
Go to the profile of That Guy
That Guy
I promise I'm not crazy, I just like my reality better than yours.
Go to the profile of Joao Paulo Castro Alves
Joao Paulo Castro Alves
Bored writer filled with existential dread
Go to the profile of Gery Galabova
Gery Galabova
Writer and translator. I write about interesting humans, some fictional, some not + tips/thoughts on life, love and uni. Instagram: instagram.com/gerygalabova
Go to the profile of Deon C Visser
Go to the profile of Lucien Whitworth
Lucien Whitworth
A word a week: concise ponderings on what makes our language “tick”
Go to the profile of Alexandra Dane Klausner
Go to the profile of Delaney Croft
Delaney Croft
Writer. Thinker. Connoisseur of cheap wine. Fan of alter egos. Slight obsession with train graffiti.
Go to the profile of Daniel Malone
Go to the profile of Stuart Sheppard
Go to the profile of Amelia Nichole
Amelia Nichole
Ninja By Day, Writer & Reader By Night I work for the Synergy Ninjas and write short stories & novels in my free time!
Go to the profile of Andreea Iulia
Andreea Iulia
Short stories, alias lies.
Go to the profile of Claire Patel-Campbell
Claire Patel-Campbell
Writer and journalist, available for freelance commissions. Debut novel, Abernathy, set to be published by a local press. Watch this space.
Go to the profile of 0
Go to the profile of Sam Albion
Go to the profile of Timothy Sam Wijaya
Timothy Sam Wijaya
I write sometimes.
Go to the profile of Jesh
Speculative fiction author with a love for creating worlds that are both probable and impossible.
Go to the profile of David Fox
David Fox
The challenges and triumphs of parenting while disabled. Email: davefox990@hotmail.com
Go to the profile of Joel Arndt
Joel Arndt
Writing about builders who are crafting a culture of hope. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leojeric/ || Website: https://joelarndt.wordpress.com.
Go to the profile of Daniel Holliday
Daniel Holliday
In the spirit business.
Go to the profile of SE Adams
SE Adams
I write about everything and nothing.
Go to the profile of Oswald Chen
Oswald Chen
Making it up as I go
Go to the profile of Zachary Rowell
Zachary Rowell
28-years-old. Freelance writer/lonely screenwriter. I have my own bowling shoes. That should tell you everything you need to know about me.
Go to the profile of Duda Volpato
Duda Volpato
I'm a replicant — but don't tell anyone.
Go to the profile of Noor Fatima
Go to the profile of Ramp
Sci-Fi Geek, Fantasy dreamer, Fiction Fan, Gamer, Cycling Enthusiast, Engineer
Go to the profile of Julie Carli
Julie Carli
Young writer with a whole lot of thoughts to share.
Go to the profile of Siddu's Screening Room
Siddu's Screening Room
My heart's on my sleeve but my brains are splattered over this keyboard. Are you not entertained? https://letterboxd.com/siddun11/
Go to the profile of Bhargav Prasad
Bhargav Prasad
Specializes in first drafts.
Go to the profile of Steven Kedie
Steven Kedie
A writer from Manchester, England. Occasionally found blurring the line between fact and fiction. Here to read good writing and share some stories.
Go to the profile of Marina Calado
Marina Calado
Marina is a UX manager at OutSystems, responsible for UX Writing and Design Enablement. She’s passionate about words, getting things done, and happy people.
Go to the profile of Catherine
Go to the profile of Tymon Eggleston
Go to the profile of Ben R.
Ben R.
Writer of short story/snippets/episodes.
Go to the profile of Sodi Webster
Go to the profile of Craig Laurance Gidney
Craig Laurance Gidney
Author of Sea, Swallow Me & Other Stories; Skin Deep Magic: Short Fiction; Bereft; The Nectar of Nightmares; A Spectral Hue. http://craiglaurancegidney.com
Go to the profile of Angel S.
Angel S.
Hello, fellow readers. Everyone keeps telling me to write so here I am. I’ll be posting short stories and whatever else comes to mind.
Go to the profile of Allen Brokken
Allen Brokken
Cloud Architect, Christian Fiction Author
Go to the profile of Peter Doyle
Peter Doyle
Normally I write code but I’m now learning to write prose.
Go to the profile of Dušan Lovre
Dušan Lovre
A mostly friendly beardo who writes not nearly as often as he would like to.
Go to the profile of Dan Lux
Dan Lux
husband. father. and other things.
Go to the profile of TheSilentNinja
Aaliyah is an 11 yr old author with a passion for Karate, Dance, and Cooking. Aaliyah became an author after encouragement from her Sensai and Leadership Class.
Go to the profile of Cristina Dior
Cristina Dior
I’m an accountant, teacher, and writer. If you think that’s an odd mix, you should read my book. (http://CristinaDior.com)
Go to the profile of Alliya Iftikhar
Go to the profile of Mikael J. Attebury
Mikael J. Attebury
Writer, student, human.
Go to the profile of Tom Stephan
Tom Stephan
Spreading Evil Everywhere I go...or food crumbs..same thing.
Go to the profile of Phuc Dao
Go to the profile of Woo Is Me
Woo Is Me
Woo Is Me. An artist and writer going nowhere…really slowly.
Go to the profile of Stuart James
Stuart James
The story speaks for itself. Remember to be a good person. Links and index at https://sjhtma.medium.com/a-suggestion-6e92a330f746
Go to the profile of Carl Stellweg
Carl Stellweg
Journalist, translator, author
Go to the profile of Peter Crawl
Peter Crawl
Celebrated. writer.
Go to the profile of John Masserini
John Masserini
I haven’t started any companies yet.
Go to the profile of Enzro Greenidge
Enzro Greenidge
Physician. Lover of life. Capitalist. Lover of freedom. Lover of guns. Your goal in life is to make sure your family succeeds.
Go to the profile of Paul Brookes
Paul Brookes
Writer, historian,fam & loc., shop assist., security guard, postman, admin. assistant, photographer, lecturer, performer with "Rats for Love". Counter intuitive
Go to the profile of Jere Krakoff
Jere Krakoff
Satirical Novelist/Former Civil Rights Attorney
Go to the profile of Kyle Siemens
Kyle Siemens
I’m a professional writer that specializes in helping people tell their stories. Read some of my stuff or get in touch over at kylesiemens.com
Go to the profile of Carole Hammon
Carole Hammon
Always a number cruncher. Have strong Faith in God.
Go to the profile of Jenny L
Jenny L
Creative writer, professional musician
Go to the profile of Brian Geddes
Brian Geddes
Brian is a writer, storyteller, and historian. Check out his sci-fi project at earthrisesaga.com.
Go to the profile of Ryan Wendell Bauer
Ryan Wendell Bauer
Art Director. Music maker. Tale spinner. Sit down comedian. Dad. I have a notebook that I fill with downloads from my brain. Some of that ends up here.
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Page
Elizabeth Page
Wild writer woman of the north 🇨🇦 #amwriting #writingcommunity #writerslife Student at The Writers Studio #SFU, 2019 CBC Poetry longlister.
Go to the profile of Samantha Flood
Go to the profile of Luke Gratton
Luke Gratton
Writer, of sorts. Junior editor placement at the Liverpool Echo.
Go to the profile of Michael Dickson
Michael Dickson
American-Mexican newspaper editor, retired from the United States in 2000, now living in the mountains of Central Mexico. Mexican citizen since 2005.
Go to the profile of Leonard Weed
Go to the profile of Emily Titsworth
Emily Titsworth
I like dogs and Harry Potter more than the average person.
Go to the profile of John Vander Velden
John Vander Velden
an avid reader and life long story teller, who approaches life with open eyes, hearing ears, and a heart willing to feel.
Go to the profile of Harry Werner
Harry Werner
An art director taking a stab at writing.
Go to the profile of picklish
music, electronics, books, sleep
Go to the profile of Legal Eagle
Legal Eagle
Turns out having a Lombardi Trophy does NOT make being a fan any easier….
Go to the profile of Christopher La Porte
Christopher La Porte
Copywriter | Storyteller | Geek — For more geeky writing advice that levels-up your storytelling skills check out my site http://www.theporteport.com/
Go to the profile of Mason Sigmon
Go to the profile of Futurus
I imagine the future and tell stories about it.
Go to the profile of Outrun Stories
Outrun Stories
Short stories in 500 words or less deriving from the Outrun, tech-noir and NewWave aesthetic.
Go to the profile of Julio C.
Julio C.
Hello! You may contact me at my email address juliolcastaneda@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Joseph Mark Brewer
Joseph Mark Brewer
Journalist. Author of the Shig Sato Mystery series and other works. He writes about what he makes up. Find him at http://josephmarkbrewer.com
Go to the profile of Jack Probyn
Jack Probyn
Author of the Detective Jake Tanner thriller series. My debut novella, An Unlikely Betrayal, is available on Amazon now: http://amzn.to/2wPCzkV
Go to the profile of Sravani Saha
Sravani Saha
Author of ‘Yes, The Eggplant is A Chicken’ https://amzn.to/2Iym2ok Humorist, Satirist, Mom, Ex-Googler. Write to me at s.sravani@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Janet Pywell
Janet Pywell
Author: crime thrillers and contemporary romance. Subscribe to my newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/the-westbay-romance-series
Go to the profile of Laura Probst
Laura Probst
A writer attempting to put her money where her mouth is. Or her ass where her money is. Or something like that. Apparently I also try too hard to be clever.
Go to the profile of Lisa W
Lisa W
Writer, photographer, tamer of animals, mother of cats, grower of trees & plants, herbal concoctress, occasional comedian. Blogs at www.ethicallywell.com
Go to the profile of Charlie Homerding
Charlie Homerding
Think, Write & Publish — No second drafts here
Go to the profile of Y. Feng
Y. Feng
I’m a scribbler & Medium is my notebook
Go to the profile of C.A. Exline
C.A. Exline
Writer of speculative fiction and non-fiction. https://ko-fi.com/caexline
Go to the profile of Alfonso "Goose" Neal
Alfonso "Goose" Neal
Fotog | Writer | Professor | Fmr. Labor and Politics Editor
Go to the profile of Nicolette Goff
Nicolette Goff
Teacher, gardener, author, painter - following my heart and expanding my awareness of life’s possibilities. www.inspiredgreenspaces.com
Go to the profile of David Carnahan
David Carnahan
Internal Medicine physician who is passionate about quality, analytics, informatics, and writing.
Go to the profile of Danielle Nolan
Danielle Nolan
Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.
Go to the profile of William Weiss
William Weiss
In the words of Socrates: I drank what?
Go to the profile of Ryan Burney
Ryan Burney
The irony of toddlers is that they create so much new material every day, but leave you no time or energy to write about it.
Go to the profile of Joshua Ellis
Joshua Ellis
Writer, coder, musician. Pulitzer nominee and Amazon bestselling travel author (technically). Cat and dog dad. Vegas, for now.
Go to the profile of Rapha Fucciolo
Rapha Fucciolo
Writer. Filmmaker.
Go to the profile of Amy Pinkston
Amy Pinkston
Writer & storyteller. I prefer to live in fiction as much as possible. Telling lies and spinning tales for entertainment and (someday) profit. I also golf.
Go to the profile of Lucien Zell
Go to the profile of Dan Belmont
Dan Belmont
Writer. Software developer. Zen Buddhism practitioner. Email: danbelmontwriter@gmail.com Instagram: @fountainpenpoet
Go to the profile of ..sa..
Reader. Writer (getting there).
Go to the profile of Peter D Murphy
Peter D Murphy
Writer, musician, proud dog owner, part-time Irish. Finished my 5th novel by staring out the windows of chic cafes in Lisbon.
Go to the profile of Bossyhead
Creative writer
Go to the profile of Braeden Phillips
Braeden Phillips
Old Account. No longer in use.
Go to the profile of M. A. Alexander
M. A. Alexander
M. A. Alexander is a struggling writer of zero renown and probably negative talent. Follow his page to witness his newest failures and inevitable break down
Go to the profile of Aaron DeBee
Aaron DeBee
Freelance Writer/Blogger/Editor, veteran, Top Rated on Upwork, former Medium Top Writer in Humor, Feminism, Culture, Sports, NFL, etc.
Go to the profile of Kevin D’Abramo, Phd.
Kevin D’Abramo, Phd.
Creative writer, teacher, traveller, musician.
Go to the profile of Nate Briggs
Nate Briggs
Cheerfully retired — and writing up a storm. Waiting it out with everyone else in Las Vegas.
Go to the profile of Laura Zoom
Laura Zoom
“There’s no right, there’s no wrong, there’s only popular opinion.”
Go to the profile of Arden Falls
Arden Falls
Author of poetry and short fiction and compulsive day-dreamer. Get in touch with me at ardenfallswrites@gmail.com. They/them.
Go to the profile of Nexy - a community of makers
Nexy - a community of makers
A community of makers who use technology to build cool projects and turn them into profitable businesses. https://nexy.io
Go to the profile of Puja Roy
Puja Roy
Compulsive reader, impulsive writer. Visit my Blog speakometer.wordpress.com where I write book reviews and short stories.
Go to the profile of R Lee
R Lee
Author of the on-going nursing home romance story: SunDowning: A man who fought in Korea. A woman with a past. It’s a new beginning for the end.
Go to the profile of Anna Green
Anna Green
A weirdo who keeps writing no matter what.
Go to the profile of Kris Gage
Kris Gage
Writer — www.krisgage.com reach me at krisgagemedium (at) gmail (dot) com
Go to the profile of Lizella Prescott
Lizella Prescott
Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.