Mr. Solo Dolo

Bhavin Prajapati
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2023

But after I got to the top, almost all my friends didn’t give a shit.

I faced THE mountain I needed to climb. Yes, I got to the top and fawned over an incredible view, yet the fields below were empty, no one around but a few kind spectating souls.

Photo by Jef Willemyns on Unsplash

I shared my struggling “climb” openly. What helped me persevere was knowing I had support from friends. Secretly, my friends motivate me more than they know, I owe it to them to live my best self.

But after I got to the top, almost all my friends didn’t give a shit.

I now empathize more than ever on what Kid Cudi alludes to in many of his songs. When you’re “the man on the moon”, you see people for who they really are… it’s a lonely place.

Kid Cudi — Man on the Moon III Teaser Trailer

Yes, I’m heartbroken, but this was my fault; I guess my friends can do whatever they want, but I also realized that I am 100% responsible for how I feel; right out of stoicism and Hindu philosophy… this was the true freedom I really sought in my life.

Now, it’s only about myself, family, and God. Everyone else is a spectator; I’ll always be immensely grateful to every soul who decides to show me a second of love because I will always do the same for others. I swear to God I will.

Time for the next mountain, I am finally unleashed and battle ready.

Which mountain do you ask? The one I climb so high that only God can hear me whisper… “I’m the greatest Hindu to have ever lived”.



Bhavin Prajapati

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