Not Sojourner

Bhavin Prajapati
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2020

Note (not part of the word count):

I want to take the time to recognize all the front line workers… everyone from healthcare professionals, delivery folks, and even merchants and their workers who stay open to keep us moving. I know I don’t have it as hard as them and I don’t want to pretend I understand their struggle. Their sacrifices should not be unnoticed; it helped me write this post about a trivial struggle because I can stay at home. They are sacrificing their health and economic standing on our behalf. Thank you. For anyone reading, support them how you can.

Fellow Canadians, you can donate here to the cause closest to your heart

Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash

Like many of you, I’m spending my time inside and doing my part in the pandemic. Despite the adjustment, one of my routines hasn’t changed at all, long outdoor walks.

I love my walks. Walking brings a deep contemplative state to my day, fully listening and immersed in my thoughts.

Foot traffic during prime walking hours has increased in my area. Although in the past, I never counted how many people I saw. I would normally walk by without a second thought and now I notice everyone.

As soon as I see a fellow citizen, I immediately look at them and recognize that we need to move to keep a small gulf between one another, 2 metres apart. I’m staggered by how quick I was able to adopt new etiquette.

Mutually acknowledging the need for space during social distancing promotes trust. We look at one another, acknowledging our comradery of our shared struggles. If anything, the added space made us closer as humans.

I like the feeling the new walking etiquette evokes. A lot of people feel isolated and this is our chance in the day for some fresh air and human contact. Something different outside the confines of our walls.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

If I am honest, I worry we will lose these deeper lessons on our relationships once social distancing is lifted. I took space and relationships for granted and we may lose these new insights… or worse, take us entirely in the wrong direction.



Bhavin Prajapati

#healthTech #productManagement #design #writing #fitness #systems