Sweet Luxurious Boredom

Bhavin Prajapati
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2019

With my life behind me at home, I got bored without friction. Reprieve. Finally.

I was on vacation, one where I was forced to sit. My heart wanted me wander, but my body, fervently advocated that I sit in one place. So, I did… resort time. I’ve never done an all-inclusive resort before but it should force me to be present… I hope.

Like a chaotic airport hub, my thoughts constantly fly in an out; I’m blessed (or cursed) with an overactive mind. Lately I developed a bad habit where I simply assuage my boredom without letting it settle in, thus losing the ability to thrive. I firmly believe the key to creativity and productivity is being vulnerable to boredom.

Photo by waake hawaka on Unsplash

With my life behind me at home, I got bored without friction. Reprieve. Finally.

Time passes and like a moth to a flame, I was drawn by the dedicated and meticulous service leadership of the resort. I decided to watch a worker wipe the water on the patio after a downpour.

There was a calm beauty emanating from him as he shuffled water to the drains. He was a warrior. It looked like such little effort but I know it took mindful practice. I said to myself, I wish I had such obsessive attention to my presence for a simple task.

I had to give the worker a tip. Something I wager he doesn’t often receive or even get noticed in that way.

Life lessons are everywhere, maybe we just need to be bored to see it. A luxury no doubt.



Bhavin Prajapati

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