Share accurate information about the election

Part 3 of 5 Ways You can Fight Disinformation this Election Season

5 Ways to Fight Disinformation, with a circle around “Share accurate information about the election”

As we move on to the next stage of “Election Season”, it’s more important than ever to guard against disinformation. False information can prevent people from voting, cast doubt on the credibility of the election process, and potentially even be used as the basis for a coup attempt.

So it’s up to all of us to fight back against disinformation.

Waiting for Results Bingo: Be patient, challenge negative thoughts, practice breathing excercises, and more

The Brennan Center’s Roadmap to the Official Count in an Unprecedented Election is a detailed look at the next steps in “Election Season”. Now that polls have closed, disinformation is focusing on attempts to shut down counting early. The best way to counter that is by reminding people that it always takes several day to count votes — and reinforcing the importance of counting every vote.

When we take the time to count and verify every ballot, it's a sign that our democrach is working. #CountEveryVote

These images from Common Cause are good examples of the kind of information to share. Common Cause’s CountEveryVote + Election Results Take Time and CDP’s #CountEveryVote toolkit (also available in Spanish) have a lot more useful information and images.

