Getting started in design with Figma.

Joseph Kiipo
Friends of Figma Lagos
5 min readSep 5, 2018


Design (User interface and User experience ) is one of the fastest growing fields in the tech industry, with tech giants like Facebook, Google, Uber, IBM etc investing a lot in design and design thinking.

My journey into UI/UX design was a lonely 😩 and tough path, with little help from people around and a lot of confusion on 😖;
1. how to get started,
2. what to learn first,
3. what is the best workflow,
4. what is the best design tool,
5. are wireframes important,
6. which design principle should I take more serious etc..

Even with the high demand for UI/UX designers in the tech field, the path to becoming one is, but a confusing and draining one deterring most people from seeing opportunities in UI/UX design especially in Africa. It’s because of this experience, that I was really excited 🕺🕺 to be a Figma Africa ambassador to help others have a more exciting and easy journey in design.

So what is Figma?

Figma is the first interface design tool based in the browser, making it easier for teams to create User interface designs for software or any design work. As part of their goals to grow design communities and getting people started in design in Africa, Figma introduced the Figma Africa program.

Figma has a Learn Design Program to help get newbies started in user interface design, in a matter of 3–4 weeks (cool right? 😎). The Figma Africa community helps to connect and grow its members through design challenges and mentorship.

You can join Figma Africa on SLACK:

This post breaks down the Figma learn design curriculum with resources and exercises, to help guide anyone interested in user interface design to get started smoothly.

In order not to overwhelm you, am going to break this post into 6 parts. Just so we are more structured, focus and pumped up 💪💪💪.

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1.0 Introduction to Figma Design Tool.

There are a lot of design tools you could consider and use, beginning your user interface design career but I will recommend Figma to you and I know you will love it.

You can find out more about Figma’s features and why great designers are making the switch from other design tools to Figma below.

Note: most of the bullet points are links so remember to click on them 😉

1.1 Types of devices Figma Runs on.

1.2 How to start using figma.

Let's get you started using the figma design tool.

1.3 What Figma can be used for.

So by now, I know you are convinced 😆 about figma and you have already created an account ✅. Next, let’s get familiar with the various awesome features of figma design tool and how to use them 👌.

For a quick overview of some of this component, you can read the article below.

1.4 Frames

1.5 Color Picker and color libraries

1.6 Constraints

1.7 Layout Grids

1.8 Using guides in Figma

1.9 Realtime Collaboration.

This is one of the features in figma, that’s going to make you love Figma more. Figma’s real-time collaborations make it easy to work on a design project with friends at the same time. It’s just like using google docs.

Just so you know how fun designing with friends is going to be like, watch the videos below.


  • Create a file in Figma
  • Invite some friends to help you design a salon car in Figma with basic shapes (Just try it, we will talk about shapes latter).
  • Share the final work on social media with the hashtag #WhyILoveFigma #FigmaAfrica #FigmaLearnDesign.

1.10 Comments and Notification

1.11 Prototyping, Transition and presentation mode in Figma

1.12 Importing and Exporting in Figma.

1.13 Working with Shapes

1.14 Rounded corners

1.15 Mask

1.16 Boolean Operations in Figma.

1.17 Figma Alignment and Distribution tool.

1.18 Drop shadows, Layer Blur, background blur

1.19 Using images in Figma.


  • Clip an image of yourself into your name as text in figma
  • Share on social media with the hashtag #WhyILoveFigma #FigmaAfrica #FigmaLearnDesign.

1.20 Gradients

1.21 Texts and Fonts in Figma

1.22 Running Figma Offline.

Even though Figma is a web-based design tool, it is possible to use it without any internet connection. The post below by James Baduor explains how to use Figma offline.

So, in conclusion, this is the first part of this post. In this first part I’ve talked about the most basic features you will need to start kicking ass 😎 in design.

Note that there are more advanced features in Figma like components, styles, and stuff but we will not touch on them now since this is a beginners course.

Watch out for the next part soon and don’t forget to 👏👏👏.

Learn more about Figma and Design using the following resources:

Also, to be part of the Figma Community;

Join Figma on SLACK:






Joseph Kiipo
Friends of Figma Lagos

I look to solve practical problems through design and technology. UI/UX designer @mPharma. Co-founder @capsella_io. Founder @thedesignhubgh