How Owning A Cat Changed My Life

Finding Peace
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2023
Photo by Roberto Huczek on Unsplash

I was never a cat person or even a pet person. Part of growing up, my parents always felt that having pets would take up a lot of time and energy, so the only “pet” we could have was goldfish…Yes, some may argue, is that even considered a pet?

Unfortunately, I also had terrible experiences with them, such as being chased by a dog while walking home, attacked by my friend’s cat, and so on. So I guess it didn’t give me any reason to argue for them with my parents when I was young.

After all these years, I thought, maybe now it’s a good time to revisit this. I have read that dogs and cats are smart, loyal, and fun. They can help us cope with anxiety, stress and be great company.

But of course, there are so many different types of breeds, and with no prior experience raising any pets, I started to spend some time researching.

Long story short, I have narrowed it down to British Shorthair. I have learned that they are very calm, smart, independent, at the same time, very friendly. Though they are not known for being lap cats, they enjoy being with their owners.

Of course, some cats are very unfriendly and like to be alone. It just really depends on the cat’s personality. I was fortunate to have found a cat that’s super friendly and delightful, loves to meow at humans, and follows us everywhere around the house.

Loki joined us when he was two months old, and our lives have changed.

Loki’s first day home

Day to Day with Loki

  1. He’s quite good at being disciplined when we are sleeping at night. So he will either sleep or play by himself during the night. But he must know how to tell time because every day around 6 or 7 am, he would start meowing at my door, saying “good morning” to me.
  2. When we come home, and he hears the keys jangling, Loki will immediately runs to the door to greet us.
  3. He is always curious about what we are doing, wandering around our bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, and living room, just sitting there chilling and watching us.
  4. Loki is such a sweetheart because he loves to talk. He gives us a sense of joy and happiness with his presence, and we love him so much for his positive energy.
  5. Loki is like a dog in disguise. He will come when you call his name. He responds to “no, no” and then immediately stops.
  6. He enjoys being with us while we eat. He will sit next to my plate and watch me eat.

Loki’s now One Year Old

I have certainly changed a lot during the past year. He has brought me so much joy and contentment. He’s a very loyal, kind, friendly, and charming cat. My emotions have changed since we started having him in our home.

Being with Loki has made me more emotionally stable, grateful, and joyful. We are always eager to rush home to hug Loki and snuggle with him. This is the first time I have the sense of a strong connection between humans and cats, and it is quite magical. We all feel very grateful to have found Loki and have him in our lives.

Loki has such a cool temperament, always listening and watching over us. He’s never mad and feels content all the time. Amazing traits to learn from Loki.

Thank you for being here. If you have enjoyed this story, please give me a clap or two, and I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement.

Let’s find peace together.

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Finding Peace

Aspiring Writer. Writing about personal growth, humanity, relationships and life.