Write for Us

Margie Pearl
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2020


Submission guidelines

Submit stories that are free of spelling and grammar errors.
I find these websites helpful for checking my sentences and my story title:

I will consult with you about making content changes prior to accepting your submission. Posts can be as short as 50 words, but not longer than 2000. If there are minor typos or spelling errors after submitting, I reserve the right to make those edits.

All submissions must be in compliance with Medium content standards. If you aren’t sure if something violates Medium content standards go to Medium Help Center and type in your question. You can always contact yourfriends@medium.com if you need further clarification.

Another great resource for all things Medium is Casey Botticello.

Request to contribute

If you’d like to submit to Findings, please send an email request to margiep@margiepearl.com. This is what I need to add you as a writer:

  • Your name
  • Your Medium profile link
  • What topics or stories you want to write about

Submitting a draft

To submit a draft, request to become a writer (see above section). Once you are added as a writer, click on the “” and…



Margie Pearl

Tell me a story! margie@margiepearl.com. Author, storyteller, poet, seamstress, knitter, gardener. Bio.link/margiepe