💡Findora Validator Spotlight — HussariaONE💡

Validator Spotlights showcase the amazing people working to guarantee the security and decentralization of the Findora blockchain. Here are HussariaONE’s responses to some questions from the Findora community.

Findora Foundation
3 min readSep 8, 2022


1) Tell Us About Yourself

I’ve always been a huge fan of technology, and when I found out about blockchain in 2016, I instantly fell in love with it. I’m a software engineer with over 20 years of experience. My father started my journey into programming when I was nine years old, and I’ve been coding ever since.

I’m an entrepreneur, running a small business for the last 16 years. Based in Poland, I’m a husband and father of a 7-year-old son.

2) What brought you into crypto/web3 in the first place?

I was attracted to crypto because, for me, it is freedom. I hope that one day we will be more free thanks to crypto. I see so many opportunities for the world to improve because of blockchain. I would never forgive myself if I missed it.

3) What is your experience in validating or web3 in general?

Since 2017, I’ve been mining mainly Ethereum on a few GPU and ASIC rigs. A year ago, I started my first validator, which was for Ethereum 2.0, and in December 2021, I started another — this time for HarmonyONE.

I have a lot of experience with Linux and server administration. All my validators are running on two HP DL380 G10 servers with MSA 1060 storage with SSD drives.

4) What makes your operation unique? What should people trust you with their stake?

For me, running validator nodes is not so much a business as it is a hobby, and it makes me happy. I like supporting projects I believe in, being part of something new, learning, and gaining amazing experience in the technology world.

I’ll be in the space for the long haul — I’m not going anywhere. I’m running validators on my own professional, enterprise-grade hardware, which isn’t very common in the community. My validators are secured by a Mikrotik firewall, two fiber optic connections, and a big UPS with additional batteries.

5) Why do you want to validate with Findora?

I came to Findora from the Harmony ONE community, and thanks to the amazing people I met there, I started to validate with Findora.

After some initial research, I found that Findora was not only an interesting project but had big potential for the future. A key feature was their EVM compatibility.

6) How can someone delegate funds to you?

You can find Husaria Validator on both the Findora desktop and mobile wallets wallet. Here’s a direct link to the validator.

I’ve also prepared a Polish manual on Medium describing how to stake FRA. You can find it here.

7) Where can our community go to learn more about you or contact you? Do you have a validator dashboard link?

I’m trying my best to be more available on Twitter, and Telegram (@HusariaOne)

I’m always happy to answer all your questions, and I am excited to make new connections with the community.

