August In Review: Paving the Way

FintruX Team
FintruX Network
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2018

Dear Community,

As we continue with our platform development, creating new marketing strategies and business developments, the future is looking bright for our organization. As in the famous adage “It takes a village to raise a child” so too, it takes a great team to create a successful business. Our team continues to grow and make great strides to complete our goals and meet the expectations of our community.

Over the month, we had some great media pickups, roadshows, and have had our platform explained via two great articles from the Norway Confidential group. In accordance with our vision to help SMEs grow globally, we have shared some great informational content on our blog.

As we progress with our development, we are excited to reveal more updates. Be the first to know about our announcements and stay updated through our mailing list.

But first, a quick review of our activities in August.

Progress Updates

Media & Community Mentions

  • We recently welcomed Bob Rinaldi to our Board of Directors; who was the past-Chairman and Director of the ELFA, the premier trade association representing the $1 trillion equipment finance sector.
  • In our №8 Tuesday Team Talks blog, we got to know a little more about Bob’s extensive business experience, asked him questions about how he will guide our growth into global expansion, and what motivates him to elevate the FintruX platform.
  • The news on our latest addition to the team was also featured by major news outlets like Fintech News, Equipment Financial Advisor, and Leaprate!
  • Our Founder and CEO Nelson Lin, was recently interviewed by the popular financial technology news website Tech Bullion.
  • The interview featured in-depth answers from Nelson about the technology of the platform, our marketplace lending procedures, how we are making fiat currency transfers fast and easy, and more.

Informational Content

  • In our №9 Tuesday Team Talks, we shared ‘Five Benefits of Marketplace Lending’.
  • In this blog, we have answered a few key questions, such as: Why is FintruX building a lending marketplace, and more importantly, what benefits does a marketplace have for the global community.
  • In our most recent blog, №11 Tuesday Team Talks, we share an informative article on The Value of FintruX Network to SMEs and Investors
  • The blog focuses on the three key core principles of trust, risk pricing and efficiency that FintruX Network brings into practice.
  • We highlight unique benefits our platform provides, ultimately creating value to SMEs and investors not currently attainable in traditional markets.


  • Our Founder and CEO Nelson Lin, was invited to the Traction Conference in Vancouver on August 8–9.
  • The conference was an invite only event attended by Fortune 500 leaders, high-growth startup founders, leading investors, and major media.
  • The theme for the conference was SCALING UP. At the event, business leaders shared their challenges and learnings from scaling their companies to $10M/ $50M/ $100M+ in revenues.

Looking Ahead

  • Our whitepaper is currently undergoing strategic edits as technology and business trend shifts have demanded process and workflow improvements. Look out for a detailed post on the edits and announcements!
  • Look out for an interesting Q&A with one of our partners, Traceto, a decentralized Know Your Customer (KYC) network that provides an inclusive KYC solution to cryptocurrency and blockchain product companies. Read our March blog on our partnership announcement to catch up!
  • The FintruX Team has been invited to attend the 2018 CFLA Conference in Montreal, Quebec where Nelson Lin has been an esteemed guest for over a decade.
  • The FTX token will be migrated from Qryptos to Liquid, a new exchange from Quinone, on September 4th. This exchange will replace their current exchanges — Qryptos and Quoinex. The Liquid Exchange will provide multiple fiat pairings, high liquidity, a seamless interface and a suite of other improved services.

The FintruX Network is happy to share our monthly update with our community. Behind the scenes, our team continues to create new business opportunities and refine our operation processes, while our development team has been working hard to meet milestones. We hope to share new progress and development updates in the coming weeks. The excitement in the air is palpable for the FintruX team and we are looking forward to an action-packed month ahead.

Yours Truly,

The FintruX Team

About us: FintruX Network is the global P2P lending ecosystem powered by blockchain and no-code development. FintruX facilitates marketplace lending in a true peer-to-peer network to ease the cash-flow issues of SMEs that typically face challenges getting loan financing, such as startup companies.

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