Reserved FIO Domain Claims

FIO Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2020

Prior to the launch of the FIO Protocol mainnet, the Foundation for Interwallet Operability pre-reserved a list of 6,675 FIO Domains.

Most domains are expected to be given to their respective owners, with a handful that will be kept by the Foundation.

The criteria for creating this list was as follows:

  • The top 100 internet TLDs (like com, org, net). To avoid confusion with existing DNS infrastructure, commonly used website TLDs are reserved and are expected to remain assigned to the Foundation. TLDs were filtered based on the number of domains registered on the TLD.
  • Top blockchain token symbols and website domains. To protect the integrity of the FIO Protocol, FIO Domains that matched token symbols (BTC, ETH, etc) and website domains of the top 100 blockchain assets by market capitalization were reserved. This was based on data from, captured on July 29, 2019 at 4:00pm GMT.
  • Known blockchain companies and select traditional corporations. To ensure the ability for the FIO Protocol to serve as a benefit to the entire blockchain ecosystem, a crowdsourced list of blockchain companies had their website domains reserved (without the TLD), in addition to a list of major corporations from the Fortune 500.

FIO has paid for the first year of all domains, so there is no initial cost for claiming a reserved domain.

For the full list of reserved domains — view the spreadsheet here.

To complete a claim, you must be able to provide a DNS TXT record of your FIO Public Key (full instructions in form).

FIO Reserve Domain Claim Form

Follow up with a FIO Crypto Handle Giveaway

Once you’ve decided to claim your FIO Domain, we welcome you to participate in a FIO Crypto Handle (formerly known as FIO Address) giveaway for your users/supporters.

The Foundation for Interwallet Operability has limited funds to pay for FIO Crypto Handles on your users’ behalf, and will consider partnering with you on a giveaway campaign to provide FIO Crypto Handles for your users along with other prizes.

To learn more about FIO Crypto Handles, the FIO Protocol, and to get started on a giveaway campaign, read more on our announcement page:

FIO Crypto Handle Giveaway Opportunity



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