Go to First Foray
First Foray
Adulthood, honestly.
Note from the editor

Adulthood, honestly. If you like our work, please consider donation to our kickstarter so we can pay our writers. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1669397454/help-fund-foray-a-place-for-essays-on-adulthood

Go to the profile of Tonya Riley
Tonya Riley
Tech writer reporting on the future for the rest of us. You can read my other work at Slate, Wired, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Science Mag + more.
Go to the profile of Max Genecov
Max Genecov
I write about nonsense.
Go to the profile of Simon Henriques
Simon Henriques
Simon Henriques is a writer, actor, and co-artistic director of the theatre company Nightdrive.
Go to the profile of Gabbie Corvese
Gabbie Corvese
cautious technophile, used bookstore enthusiast, lover of all things food
Go to the profile of Molly Schulson
Molly Schulson
can wink both eyes simultaneously
Go to the profile of Nicholas E. Morley
Go to the profile of Annie Kocher
Annie Kocher
queer doula & artist in berlin, germany. www.arkdoula.com