Fisherman June Updates 2018

Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2018

Here’s what’s been happening in June at Fisherman:

We have officially moved in to our co-working space at GSVlabs in Boston. It’s a beautiful office right next to the Boston Common, if you’re in the area please reach out and visit us! We have also settled in to our summer startup accelerators, MassChallenge and Soaring Startup Circle. Both programs have already proven to be great founder communities and phenomenal resources for mentorship.

We deployed our first customer site,, which will be our showcase website as we continue to develop our development automation software. Whole Sol is a smoothie bowl spot with an amazing pair of owners. Check out this awesome press release about their upcoming launch, and definitely visit Whole Sol if you’re ever in Boulder or Denver!

On our end, we have updated our own website with options at the bottom to join our product wait list or sign up for product updates like this one, and we are gearing up to test an alpha version of our product during the second week of July.

In case you missed it, here’s the link to our updates from May. We hope everyone’s summers have been off to a great start!


The Fisherman Team

