Go to Fishtown Analytics
Fishtown Analytics
Helping venture-funded startups implement advanced analytics.
Note from the editor

Helping venture-funded startups implement advanced analytics.

Go to the profile of Tristan Handy
Tristan Handy
Founder and CEO of Fishtown Analytics: helping startups implement advanced analytics.
Go to the profile of Connor McArthur
Connor McArthur
Co-founder, Fishtown Analytics. Makers of dbt. Unleashing data on the world.
Go to the profile of Drew Banin
Go to the profile of Erin Vaughan
Go to the profile of Janessa Lantz
Janessa Lantz
Building the marketing team at dbt Labs
Go to the profile of Claire Carroll
Claire Carroll
Product at Hex
Go to the profile of jason ganz
jason ganz
There is but one infinite game
Go to the profile of Jeremy Cohen
Go to the profile of Erica Louie