Five to inspire with Dejan Markovic

Maurivan Luiz
Five to Inspire
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2016

Product Designer @InVisionApp

Who are you?

I’m a generalist and a UX and UI specialist. I have 7 years of working experiences in wide range of design disciplines and a masters degree of engineering in Communication and media studies.

I’m currently working as a product designer with talented and amazing people at InVisionApp. Occasionally I’m working on personal and side projects with companies and startups from all over the world. Previously I worked as a lead designer, front-end developer, print designer, co-founder, advisor, manager.etc…

I usually wake up early and start my day with a cup of coffee. Occasionally I do some workout or run, since I’m working from home, so I try to stay as much active as I can. After that I’m usually checking news, replaying to emails and start preparing for the day. Depending on how much time I have, I sometimes start my day even with some side projects, when my mind is all rested and fresh.

Around 10 o’clock I usually start with my work at InVision and that stretches out to around 7pm. That includes video calls with our design and development team, small breaks, lunch, coffees, all kind of things.

Outside my work I usually always try to have something going on. Either if it’s being active, spending time outdoors, traveling, learning, reading, and as mentioned before, sometimes even side work.

A good design is not what just looks good. It has to perform, convert and fulfil it’s purpose. Not only on functional but also psychological level. In my perspective, good design is something invisible, you don’t even notice it for the first time you encounter it, it’s there and it works well.

Beside that, good design is good for business. It’s measurable, profitable and most important it solves a problem. If it’s not good for your business, you are out of customers pretty soon. Therefor, a good design should be tailored around customers, it should be useful, functional and most important it should solve a problem or need the customer has.

The bar for good design will raise eventually, and since our technology is evolving so much, I see good design as experience where we can predict and solve user problems, before they will even happen.

My list is quite long here, but to summon it up, I’d say I would really want to get back to DJ-ing and producing my own music. I did this at age 16 and stopped after I started earning money through my design work. After that I never found enough time for it.

I’m also looking forward to traveling more. Since I work from home, the only thing I need is a good internet connection so Im looking forward to make some plans about that soon.
And last thing I want to add here, is to start a blog or maybe speak at events. I got some emails lately, from fans, that really made me think. It would be a nice way to connect with them on a different level. But fear of public speaking is keeping me backwards. For now.

That’s something I’m curios to see as well! I imagine that in 10 years from now, the role of a designer will change dramatically. Of course I want to see myself improve on personal and professional level as well. Maybe I will have a different role, something that requires more responsibility, decision making, advising, maybe even managing or leading people.

I imagine the user experience will influence other industries, something that will go beyond our screens, even beyond physical. Everything will be tailored and focused more on each individual and their needs.

I also believe that the tools we use and shape will change. Specially with VR, AR and even AI evolving, visual interfaces will reach a new standard. Maybe there won’t be any interface at all. I imagine I walk through a park, enjoy the sunny day, while I can do design work, make business calls or whatever comes to my mind, without even using my hands or any physical device.

Everything and everyone will be connected, and the physical presence will become just a figure of speech. Ok maybe the last one will happen 50 years from now :)

There are people that inspire me, that I look up to or individuals who had influence on me in my past. But most of the time I try not to focus only on few individuals, but leave an open door for people to inspire me, through everyday things. Truth is, some get more credit than others, even if sometimes it should have been the other way around.

Where can we find Dejan Markovic?

My personal website:
My Dribbble account:
My work email:
My twitter:
My Instagram account (I use Instagram only for my iPhone photography, traveling, etc.. no design work! )



Maurivan Luiz
Five to Inspire

🇧🇷🇺🇸 Design Director@Pipefy/500 Startups