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Flaneur Media
Storytelling. Fearlessly.
Note from the editor

The Flâneur. A 19th century concept from the mind of Charles Baudelaire. The Flâneur was a casual wanderer, an observer and reporter on societal life. An individual who listened to and passionately observed the kaleidoscopic manifestations of modern life. The flâneur's perspective was transitory. Always in the present, but forever looking to the past, to unlock the mysteries of the future. In the 21st century, Flâneurs are storytellers. Flâneurs tell stories that will heal your heart, mend your mind and soothe your soul. Stories that embrace the past but also unlock the mysteries of the future. Most importantly, the Flâneur doesn't follow the status quo. We're not governed by corporate or editorial agendas. We don't tell stories that support traditional narratives. We tell stories that make you rethink the narrative. Storytelling. Fearlessly. So wander in and join us.

Go to the profile of Edward James Herath
Go to the profile of Chiara Sciandra
lead writer
Chiara Sciandra
𝔖𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔢🖋 Ig: xchiarazx
Go to the profile of Edward James Herath
Go to the profile of Regina Chitralla
Regina Chitralla
I'm a writer, data analyst and creative. Curious how things work and writing about my findings.