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Hello to our new friends at Bambuser :)

Bambuser lets anyone broadcast live and interactive video from their mobile phone, webcam or DV-camera for free. And they just joined Flattr’s friendly family. Which means that if you post videos on Bambuser then others can flattr your stuff. Or vice versa.

Weekly Review: Talk about Flattr

While looking over the reactions from the announcement we made at Re:publica yesterday I came across some really cool YouTube videos that were explaining Flattr in different ways. And I realized that it was really good material for this week’s review.
Some of these are…

Interview with Peter and Linus

Here is a Swedish interview from Sweet Sunday Web Crunch with Peter Sunde @brokep and Linus Olsson @bonq about flattr.com. It was made some weeks ago. But we thought it could be nice anyway!