|Flint & Steel Full Circle Writing Challenge|

That ‘Aha’ Moment When My Full Cycle Was Broken

How did I live so many years stuck on one truth, and it wasn’t even my thought?

Buse ermen
Flint and Steel


The author’s own creation on canva

That was the day when I felt like I was spinning in a circle because of some changing circumstances in my life…
I had an ‘aha’ moment. And this has really changed my perspective on everything I own in my life.

Before I make you impatient, I want to tell you about my ‘aha’ moment. I am engaged and preparing for marriage. You know, this requires financial preparations. Before the pandemic, I was working at the airport. I took a break afterward. But for financial reasons, I went back to my old job.

The work at the airport, which has different working hours, was making me very tired. I wasn’t enjoying it. During the hours when I wanted to watch the sunset, I had to do my job in that gloomy building all the time.

Why, because I needed to make money. Because my family, friends, etc. they say I need to save money to get married. And they kept saying that I could only earn it by working in a corporate job. The reason I got the job was that I found what they said to be true.

One day, I got ready for the evening shift again. I parked my engine at the place where I was going to get on the service and started to wait for the service.

When the service did not come, I got bored and wanted to turn on the music. Just when I was on my playlist, the wise voice inside me called out to me; “Buse, it’s like you need to learn something new. You know, you haven’t been able to devote much time to reading and learning new information because you’ve worked so hard and are tired.’’

She said, “I think you should listen to the podcast, it will be better for you.”

Yes, the wise voice inside me was right. Since I was tired from working, I could not spare time to do things that would be good for myself and improve myself. And this made me very sad.

I immediately entered my podcast list and a podcast about minimalism caught my attention. I have been trying for two years to enforce minimalism in every field. I thought maybe it would be good to learn new information on this subject and pressed the play button.

Just as I was listening to her, I suddenly turned my head to the sky and saw the little lights of the moon. I thought, if I didn’t have to go to work, I’d go to the seaside now, grab my chair and watch the moon with that soft, warm summer breeze.

The author’s own creation on canva

While I was thinking like this, the lady describing the podcast suddenly said;

-Why? Said.

I suddenly paid attention to what you said.
-Why are you working, she said.

-What and who do you work for, she said next.

I froze and stayed. At that moment time stopped. Passing cars stopped. People running around in the street stopped. And I stopped breathing.
‘Oh,’ I said. ‘Yes! Why am I working?’

To buy me fashionable clothes that are constantly renewed?
Or to show my friends on Instagram that I travel a lot in my stories and attend too many events?

What was all this effort and effort for?
All the ideas that had been told to me that I thought were right crossed my mind. What my family, friends, and people around me say.

When I stopped and asked myself, my answers were never among the ones I wrote above.

I didn’t want to spend my life and time buying more clothes and stuff, eating expensive food in cafes, and showing off to the people around me.

These were not things valuable enough to give me back the time that had passed.

I know there are a lot of people who believe that money can only come from a salary and that a salary can only come from big businesses that are corporate.

I was one of them. But at that moment I lived that day, it was as if everything had changed for me. That was the whole thing.

Our life was the meaning we ascribe to things. If I choose what is valuable in my life, those things become valuable in my life.
If I consider watching the sunset more valuable by inhaling that iodine-filled scent of the sea, watching the sunset was much more valuable to me than a dress I bought for myself.

And I know that if I constantly thought that I needed new things, I would constantly need new cosmetics, new jewelry, and new bags.

But I think I need the moonlight, the fresh scent of the forest, the pink clouds that turn into cotton candy after sunset. And if I continue to work in this job, I will spend my life giving meaning to those things that give temporary happiness.

The author’s own creation on canva

I say temporary because it takes a week or two at most that all the things we buy to make us happy. Then we throw them away, we keep our eyes on the new ones.

Or we take a picture of it after eating an expensive meal and post it, and when that story is deleted 24 hours later, we now keep our eyes on new cafes and eateries.

So what happens when you take advantage of nature’s beautiful gifts?

The happiness hormone is secreted in our body. Peace fills us. We are experiencing improvements. Our inspiration grows. It is good for our mental health. The way we connect with ourselves is changing.

Most importantly, we begin to recognize our true identities. We shape our lives by being inspired by nature. And it’s all free can you believe it?

After that day, my life circle completely changed and I became a Buse with brand new thoughts.

Because I’m not going to waste my life by wasting all of its energy just like the hamster keeps turning and turning all the time in the same circle.

It was a tremendous decision that got me out of that full circle. Everything in my life suddenly started to increase in value.

The things I started to be thankful for were such small things… But as I became grateful for those little things, the little things turned into giant clouds of gratitude.

I am still preparing for marriage. But I no longer calculate where the money will come from.

I surrendered myself to the unlimited abundance and abundance of the universe. I feel much more comfortable and safe now.

Everything that is reserved for me comes to me, I have no doubt about it.

In fact, you know, I don’t have to give my health and all my time for the things that will come to me. What more do you want from life?

If you want to participate in the writing challenge, please use this link. Who knows, your ideas and stories may be good for someone’s heart.

Stay loving yourself!



Buse ermen
Flint and Steel

Helping people become the heroes of their own stories. Blogger| Storyteller | Yoga Instructor | Mindfulness Coach | Writer | Meditation & Breathing Instructor