Memory Hacks: How to Remember the Small Details You Keep Forgetting

Zenish Farooq
Flipping the Script
6 min readMay 31, 2023

Do you often find yourself struggling to recall those small yet important details that seem to slip your mind? Whether it’s remembering a person’s name, a specific date, or where you left your keys, forgetting such details can be frustrating. The good news is that there are memory hacks and techniques you can employ to improve your memory and retain those small but significant pieces of information. In this article, I will explore some effective strategies to help you remember the small details I implied myself, and improvement showed within days.

1. Pay Attention and Be Present:

Easier said than done, right? Here’s the tip. Make a conscious effort to be fully present in the moment. When someone introduces themselves, listen attentively and repeat their name to yourself. Avoid distractions and engage actively with the information you want to remember. Here, I would like to add our biggest distraction, the gadget we are holding in our hands. Apart from its enormous benefits, we consume ourselves in notifications, whether work-related emails or our important messages, we should be present at the moment we are living in, physically. Though this tip seems small, it will do wonders when applied correctly.

2. Use Mnemonic Devices:

Mnemonic devices are memory aids that assist in remembering information through associations. Create associations or visual images that link the small details with something more memorable. For example, to remember a person’s name, associate it with a unique visual image or create a memorable acronym using the letters of their name. See if the below-given photos click a hint, and there you go. You can search more on the Internet. I can also write a separate article on how to apply these techniques in day-to-day life. It involves chunking and acronyms.

Chunking: This hack is commonly shared in paid sessions to remember complex or lengthy information. This technique helps break down large amounts of data into smaller, more manageable chunks that are easier to remember.

It involves grouping related information, such as organizing a long list of numbers into smaller segments. For example, instead of trying to remember the sequence 9–2–7–1–8–4–3–6–5, you can chunk it as 927–184–365. By organizing the numbers into meaningful groups, it becomes easier for your brain to remember them.

By employing chunking and acronyms, you can transform complex or lengthy information into more digestible and memorable forms. These techniques allow your brain to process and recall more efficiently, aiding in your overall memory performance.

3. Utilize smartphone apps:

Take advantage of various mobile apps designed specifically to help you stay organized and remember small details. There are apps for creating to-do lists, setting reminders, managing shopping lists, and organizing household tasks.

4. Establish routines:

Patterns can help you remember tasks without relying solely on memory. For example, designate specific days for grocery shopping, laundry, or cleaning different areas of the house. Consistency helps create habits and reduces the likelihood of forgetting.

5. Practice Active Recall:

Instead of passively reviewing information, actively engage your brain through recall exercises. Test yourself on the small details you want to remember. Here is the process, close your eyes, visualize the information, and try to retrieve it from memory. This practice strengthens memory pathways and improves your ability to recall the details when required. One important detail here is certain sounds played during that time bring a sharp memory when that sound played again. Your subconscious brain remembers the tone and takes you back to the environment where you were in the moment of doing something. That could be any music you were playing at that time.

6. Memory Palaces or Mind Maps:

Memory palaces, also known as the method of loci, involve associating the information with specific locations in a familiar setting, such as your home.

To use this technique, imagine a familiar place, such as your house or a route you often travel. Visualize specific locations or rooms within that place. Now, mentally associate the information you want to remember with each location.

For example, if you want to remember a shopping list, you can associate each item with a specific room or object in your imagined house. Create vivid mental images that link the items to the locations. When you need to recall the information, simply walk through your mental palace and retrieve the associated memories from each location.

The Memory Palace technique works because our brains are naturally wired to remember spatial information more effectively. By leveraging this innate ability, you can greatly improve your memory retention and recall.

You can apply meditation techniques as well. You can read about it in my previous article. Below is the link

7. Repeat and Review:

Repetition is vital for encoding information into long-term memory. Regularly review the small details you want to remember. Create a schedule or set reminders to revisit the information at spaced intervals. It would be like offering your brain some time, for building up its course without pushing and stressing yourself. Repetition strengthens neural connections and reinforces memory retention.

8. Get Sufficient Sleep:

Adequate sleep is crucial for memory consolidation. During sleep, your brain processes and stores information, making it easier to retrieve later. Prioritize quality sleep to optimize your memory function and improve your ability to remember small details.

At times, I am too lazy to even care for what I remember anymore, and when I forget any crucial detail, it brings back all my efforts. There were days when I tried hard to be consistent. Then I realized it is not a matter of pushing yourself but a perspective of how important your mental health is to you. Does it matter if your brain is aging more than your actual age?

A healthy mind guarantees a hale and hearty physique, and you can easily ruin your body by leaving your brain unattended. Our brain heals us, but we must at least put some effort into curing our brain through simple techniques. Gaining some bigger goals requires tiny but constant energies.



Zenish Farooq
Flipping the Script

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