Boosting Newsletter Engagement Rates: The Personalised Approach

James Qualtrough
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2023

In a world where every brand and business clamours for the attention of a limited set of eyes, the stakes have never been higher for your newsletters. Engagement, often gauged by open and click-through rates, has become the touchstone of success in email marketing. But how do you ensure your newsletters not only reach the inbox but also compel the reader to engage? The answer lies in personalisation.

The Imperative of Personalisation

The days when generic newsletters were sufficient to engage an audience are long gone. Today’s discerning subscribers expect content tailored to their interests, behaviours, and preferences. Personalisation, in this context, doesn’t just refer to addressing the subscriber by their first name. It encompasses a holistic approach where the content, design, and delivery time are all tailored to resonate with the individual subscriber.

Why Personalisation Works

  • Relevance: By aligning content with a subscriber’s interests, you’re ensuring that your newsletters resonate, making them more likely to be opened and read.
  • Connection: Personalised content fosters a deeper connection with the reader, making them feel valued and understood by your brand.
  • Exclusivity: Tailored content gives subscribers a feeling of receiving exclusive content, making your newsletters more appealing.

Strategies for Personalised Engagement

  • Segment Your Audience: Group your subscribers based on shared characteristics, interests or behaviours. This could be based on demographics, purchase history, or even content preferences. Once segmented, you can tailor content to each group’s unique interests.
  • Dynamic Content: Use email marketing platforms that allow for dynamic content insertion. This ensures that each subscriber gets content relevant to them, even within a larger, segmented group.
  • Behavioural Triggers: Send newsletters based on specific actions taken by the subscriber. For instance, if they recently browsed a particular product category on your website, your next newsletter could highlight content from that category.
  • Test and Optimise: Always A/B test your personalised campaigns. Try different headlines, content types, or even delivery times to see what resonates best with each segment.
  • Feedback Loop: Occasionally ask your subscribers for feedback on content preferences. Not only does this provide valuable insights, but it also makes subscribers feel involved and valued.

The Role of RSS Feeds in Personalisation

Leveraging multiple RSS feeds can be a game-changer for newsletter personalisation. By sourcing content from diverse feeds aligned with the interests of different subscriber segments, you can ensure a rich and varied content mix that’s tailored to individual preferences. With the rise of automated tools like FlipRSS, this process can be streamlined, ensuring that your newsletters remain fresh, relevant, and highly engaging.

Measuring Success

While open rates and click-through rates are vital metrics, it’s essential to look beyond these numbers. Monitor metrics like:

  • Subscriber Growth Rate: A steady growth rate indicates that your content is resonating and referrals are likely happening.
  • Engagement Over Time: Track how engagement metrics trend over time. A consistent upward trajectory indicates sustained interest and relevance.
  • Conversion: Ultimately, engagement should lead to desired actions, be it a purchase, a download, or a sign-up. Monitor how your personalised newsletters impact bottom-line metrics.

In the vast digital landscape, personalisation is the beacon that guides your newsletters to the shores of engagement. By understanding and valuing the unique preferences of each subscriber, you can craft newsletters that not only capture attention but also build lasting relationships. In the quest for boosted engagement rates, the personalised approach is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity.

How can FlipRSS help you?

FlipRSS saves content creators and publishers time by fully automating email newsletters whislt delivering content personalised to individual subscriber preferences.

FlipRSS integrates with Mailchimp to automate multiple RSS feeds in email newsletters. Using advanced segmentation, FlipRSS enables your subscribers to select the content they wish to receive enabling the automated delivery of personalised content. FlipRSS clients are seeing big immediate increases in open rate, click-through-rate, and subscriber satisfaction.

Once set up, newsletters are created, customised and scheduled automatically. Sit back, watch your email stats outperform your competitors and focus on creating great content.

What sets us apart?

We’re a small team. Small enough to really care. We care about the quality of the product we produce, we care about the experience of every customer we have the privilege of working with and we care about our impact. We’re here to do a great job of supporting, delighting and connecting you and your subscribers.

We’ll help you get set up, so get in touch.

Try FlipRSS here (30 days free, no credit card required).



James Qualtrough

40+ and just at the start! 🚀 Behind the scenes at, proud dad of 3, and living Island Life 🇮🇲 Navigating life’s trails & tides, #stoma and all.