How to Find Career Success in Creating a Personal Brand

Ally Garofalo
Flourish: Thrive in Your Career
4 min readFeb 22, 2024


Personal branding is not a new concept. Self-employed professionals have to market themselves, their services, or the brands they create to garner success in their careers.

But what about ordinary 9–5 employees? Should they also set up a personal brand? All signs point to yes!

As a writer, I write. While I love to dabble in prolific fictional writing as a hobby, I publish ordinary articles like this one all the time.

My mother asked me recently — why? She said, “If you’re passionate about writing or becoming a published author one day, just focus on that.”

My response to her was I write because I have a wealth of knowledge in a specific area (that I’m also passionate about) and there is an audience out there who can benefit from my insight. Given my journalistic background, I can easily conceptualize, write, edit, create a complimenting visual, and hit publish all in the same day.

Not only does writing regularly keep my brain fresh, but it’s also positioning me as an expert in my respective field. And that’s the point.

In short, it’s great for regurgitating my industry-specific knowledge onto the page, it’s great for my portfolio, and it’s fantastic for my side hustle, too.

While my main “canvas” for writing and publishing is on Medium, I distribute my work on platforms such as LinkedIn. LinkedIn, in particular, was created for the sheer purpose of networking and setting yourself up for career advancement and professional success.

You don’t have to be a writer like me to find the same success, however, knowing how to leverage your skills and showcase them is the differentiator between average and extraordinary professionals.

What are some of the benefits of personal branding, how can it contribute to your career, regardless of your industry or profession, and how can you achieve this?

Establish Your Professional Identity First

The first thing you’ll want to do is establih your professional identity. How do you want to be perceived?

Showcase your expertise, skills, and unique value proposition. By doing so, you can make a lasting impression on potential employers, clients, and collaborators.

For my writing business, I created a simple landing page where prospects can learn more about my offerings, get in touch with me, and view my articles.

I noted the colours, fonts, and messaging framework and spread that cohesive look across LinkedIn and other social platforms. By no stretch of the imagination am I designer, however, I am well-versed in using Canva and have created a complete visual brand using this platform.

Craft a Compelling Narrative

This goes hand-in-hand with your professional identity. You want to develop a concise and engaging personal narrative that reflects your professional strengths and aspirations.

Perhaps you want to capture your career in a nutshell, who you are aiming to serve, or simply a punchy paragraph that outlines your offerings.

Additionally, what’s your unique tone and voice? Are you very professional or more casual and personable? Consider the type of clients or collaborators you want to attract and make sure your narrative is reflective of that.

This summary should provide a clear understanding of who you are, what you offer, and the value you bring to the table.

Leverage Multimedia Content

Utilize various formats, such as videos, images, and blog posts, to engage and captivate your audience.

Again, the type of content you produce will attract a certain type of audience. When planning and crafting content, consider who you are making it for. Remember, it doesn’t have to cater to everyone. If you try to do just that, you will resonate with no one.

Visual and interactive elements can help convey your personality and expertise more effectively, making a memorable impression.

Additionally, blog posts, articles, videos, and social media updates can position you as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing your knowledge and insights, you can build credibility and gain a following.

Expanding Reach and Visibility

Once you have established your professional identity, it’s time to expand your reach and visibility.

Building a strong personal brand allows you to connect with a broader audience and attract multiple opportunities, if done correctly.

Actively participate in industry-specific conversations and discussions on forums and social media. Engagement is key. Respond to comments, answer questions, and offer insights when you can. By doing so, it’s boosting your visibility with other professionals.

Engaging with others demonstrates your expertise, fosters connections, and expands your network.

Networking and Collaboration

Personal branding opens doors to new networking opportunities.

Connect with like-minded professionals, industry leaders, and potential mentors. Personal branding plays a vital role in career advancement because it positions you as a recognized expert and opening doors to new opportunities.

The best way to start networking is by cultivating a positive and reputable online presence that reflects your expertise, values, and professional ethics. Consistently deliver high-quality work and maintain a strong reputation.

Personal branding can help you discover new career prospects and hidden job markets. By showcasing your skills and experience, you become more visible to recruiters and potential employers.

Networking and engaging in industry-specific conversations can provide insights into emerging opportunities.

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