虛擬貨幣、區塊鏈與人工智慧自 2018 年以來一直都是新聞熱門關鍵字,從炒幣價燒到炒區塊鏈工程師的身價,好像自己這前浪沒有跟上這一波長江後浪,隨時就會被曬乾在沙灘上。
ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund. Bitcoin ETF is a better…
After the 2008 financial crises, the world of finance changed forever, which made…
Since a decade it has been anticipated…
In recent years, tokens were introduced to the market with the primary reason for giving adequate…
It is always vital to consider both the pros and cons of technology and utilize…
In continuation with the previous article “Hyperconnected World — A…
2019 年 1 月 21 日 Google 因為違反 GDPR 遭法國主管機關 CNIL 開罰 5,000 萬歐元,成為因為 GDPR 遭罰的首例
The next-generation communications network is about…