Lubuntu 14.04 and nice to haves

While installing Lubuntu 14.04 on my laptop I found out the hard way of a bug in the installer regarding encrypted hard drive. To get around it you need to boot from the CD/USB and choose to try Lubuntu, open a terminal and run

# sudo swapoff -a

More on Unifi and their AP:s

A follow up on my last post about my Unifi setup. I bought a new home server recently and wanted to move the controller. I took the quickest route and backed up my settings on the old controller, installed the new one, imported the settings in the new one, migrated the AP:s to…

UniFi AP Pro and controller

I recently got myself two UniFi AP Pro’s. While getting them installed, which requires a Java based controller software installed on a computer, I found a couple of problems. The foremost was that the controller didn’t start. After having a look at the unifi logs…

Unbound i Halon Security Router

Eftersom jag är som jag är så ville jag köra Unbound på min installation av Halon Security Router. Det visade sig lite småmeckigt eftersom systemet startas upp rent från alla tidigare förändringar (gillar säkerheten), men det finns stöd för att få in vissa typer av…