This is the last of a three-part series. In part one, we defined where React Native and Flutter fit in with all cross-platform solutions and why we’d want to focus on these two heavyweights. In part two, we compared their histories, design, and performance. And in part three (this part), we’ll look at the same component built in both React Native and in Flutter.

Code samples

The theory and the ideas are very important but many developers need to actually see some code before their minds are made up. After all, if the experience of development is miserable, your apps will be neither fast nor pretty because talented developers will choose to work with another framework — with you or with your competition. In order for you to get a complete picture we’ve developed an app that does exactly the same thing on both frameworks.

This demonstration app could be used by a movie theater to allow their users to reserve tickets for a show. They’ll choose a date and a movie to watch. They’ll choose a showtime and pick the seats they’ll sit in. The screenshot of the left is from the React Native version and the one on the right was created using Flutter. As you can see they are nearly identical.



Rap Payne
Flutter Community

Twitter: @Rap_Payne. Mobile and Web app developer. Consultant, trainer, author of “Beginning App Development with Flutter” (