FlutterVN newsletter #4

Published in
7 min readNov 20, 2019
FlutterVN weekly newsletter by FlutterVN — Flutter Vietnam developer — http://fluttervn.com/

Flutter Clock challenge; Flutter Q3 2019 survey result on performance, add-to-app, plugins; CI/CD in Flutter workflow; test app. And more…


  • It doesn’t about Flutter, but in React Native v0.61 also have Doctor tool for helping developer to find and solve build-related issues.
  • After week-awaiting, then we finally know about the Flutter Clock challenge contest by Google. Would you take this challenge?
  • An interesting question: Mobx.dart looks good, but why it is not popular as flutter_bloc?
  • What is the difference between functions and classes to create widgets? And the question is: Never ever use functions over classes to make reusable widget-tree. Always extract these into a StatelessWidget instead. Do not use functions to create widgets. By Rémi Rousselet (author of Provider package).


  • Division — Style Your Flutter Widgets Without Confusion: In Flutter, everything is a widget. You can freely compose them and create your own which is awesome! However, there are certain inconsistencies and lacking features that make styling and positioning widgets a pain. What’s more, it’s pretty tough to extract a style of a widget. What if you want to reuse just the padding and border radius on multiple different widgets? Well, you’re out of luck… Unless you use a package called division which allows you to do just that! Extract styles and make styling an enjoyable endeavor by streamlining certain processes.
  • Take the Flutter Clock challenge: We have a new contest to announce! Introducing Flutter Clock: your chance to build a beautiful clock face with Flutter. We’ll be giving away thousands of dollars worth of prizes and a chance to inspire a design for the Lenovo Smart Clock.
  • AnimatedCrossFade (Flutter Widget of the Week): Cross fade is a cinematic term in which one thing gradually fades into another. Wouldn’t it be useful to have something similar, but for Flutter widgets? AnimatedCrossFade to the rescue!

Libraries and repositories

  • renancaraujo/photo_view: A simple zoomable image/content widget for Flutter.
  • jogboms/time.dart: Type-safe DateTime and Duration calculations, powered by extensions.


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