AirBnB CEO emerges as one of COVID-19 heroes after showing us a thing or two about communicating tough messages

Natalia Walters
Magnetic Notes
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2020
Source: TK Hammonds, Unsplash

Each week, we’ll distill industry and expert intel on a particular topic.

The world is watching how brands and businesses are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies are having to adapt quickly and some are adapting quicker than others; some are benefiting from the outbreak through change and innovation by pivoting their offering, while others are in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Here are some of our favourite brands who have adapted quickly.

With travel bans in place and flights grounded, it’s safe to say the travel and tourism industry is one that’s suffering and dividing opinion. The impact of COVID-19 in the travel and tourism industry is well reported. It’s also put the brands in the spotlight like never before and it’s given us a sharp insight into brand values and the characters of the people at the top, creating heroes and villains.

For Virgin Atlantic, it’s exposed fragile business finances and hailed Richard Branson as one of the Corona Crisis Villains. British Airways pivoted on staff redundancies by using the Government’s furlough scheme and angered customers who hailed them as dishonest when dealing with refunds for cancelled flights. One brand that’s stood out is Airbnb who are stripping back the business and getting back to basics. We’re not going to debate how Airbnb has handled the crisis from all angles, what we’re interested in is how they’ve managed and communicated with their staff during this difficult time.

The CEO and co-founder of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, sent a message to staff outlining the economic state of the business, what’s next and how it’s going to result in job losses for around 25% of his workforce. And he taught us all a thing or two about doing business with compassion at the same time.

So what can we learn from Brian Chesky and Airbnb?

  • In the letter, Brian addressed his people with empathy, respect and courtesy and showed deep passion for the business and its future. Communicating job losses is by far one of the hardest things a CEO will have to encounter. Brian schooled us on how to talk to your employees with respect and make every single person feel valued and part of the Airbnb family.
  • He included detailed information on the finances of the business, and a description of how he came to the decision to refocus the business and as a result reduce the workforce.
  • Reduced self blame (a common emotion associated with redundancy):

“To those leaving. I am truly sorry. Please know this is not your fault. The world will never stop seeking the qualities and talents that you brought to Airbnb…that helped make Airbnb…”

  • Don’t forget the company ethos and mission. When reducing the business he set out clear guiding principles for action, guided by the company mission and core values.
  • People who left the business received full support. Airbnb’s goal is to connect team mates with job opportunities and they helped in a number of ways; created a Talent Directory for people to post CVs, turned Airbnb recruitment team into a placement team to help find new roles, provided career service support and let them keep their Apple laptops.

Regular, clear and purposeful communication during a crisis can make a world of difference to a business, it’s people, customers and stakeholders. If you need tips or inspiration, check out our interview with Fluxx Partner Jenny Burns on how to communicate in a crisis. And if you’re interested in our series of industry intel and trends pieces, take a look at previous articles; gaming culture and how perceptions have changed and the fashion industry in the spotlight.

Natalia Walters is a consultant at Fluxx. Stay tuned with all that’s Fluxx by following us on LinkedIn or signing up to our WTF Newsletter.

Want to learn the secrets for sustained, repeatable innovation models, from expert practitioners? Get in touch now Equally, if you have any thoughts on the piece above, I’d love to hear from you! Thanks also to Gemma Slater.

